About Happiness

When you think about happiness, what is the first thing you think of?

Happiness is considerd very important in life; it is also considerd as the ultimate pursuit of our life.

Sometimes, when you obtain something material or spirtual, you could say you are happy because of your acquisition, but as we all know that happiness should not be one single concrete thing.

How to define happiness when you look at it? And what factors do you think are important in achieving happiness?

30 wrz 2014 15:30
Komentarze · 5

happiness, to have little negative stress, and to be able to live without others being mean and dismissive. To not be invisible to the world and to have friends and family who support you and not out you down. To be loved unconditionally.

1 października 2014


   Hi PetrelBear.   Thanks for the discussion topic.


 For me,  I    seek something of a variation  on the theme of "happiness".

I think "happiness"  conveys a kind of excitement  as many people understand it.

Excitement is something that  I seldom seek.


   For myself,  what I seek is referred to as   "serenity"  which is a  state of calm.

Perhaps "peace" would be the proper  term  to describe Serenity.

"Contentment" would be another way to describe Serenity.


  I also associate Serenity  with the doing of my duty.


    Duty  refers to doing   what I should do,  or the right thing to do,   as opposed

to doing only what I want  or   what is beneficial to me.

Duty first is owed to God,   to Self,  to family,   and to my fellow man.

   So the performance of Duty  is important in my understanding as it might

apply to thoughts about   Serenity.



1 października 2014

Hi, Ruthi, Peter, Thanks for your comments!


@ Ruthi, your opinion, or should considerd as summary, about happiness is concise but so meaningful. I consent  that being with the people that we love is really a happy thing.


@Peter, I have to admit that your thoughts or opinion about happiness really coincided with mine, especially when I was in univeristy. Seemly we are always chasing our happiness, but never really acheive it, because when we achieve our goals, then the goals that we were longing for formly are nothing the things that could make us happy. I think sometimes we need to learn enjoy life instead of busy at chasing, slow our pace to appreciate what we own right now.

1 października 2014

<em>When you think about happiness, what is the first thing you think of?</em> The first thing, that comes up in my mind is, that everything can be better. I possibly can find a better job, a better flat, buy better things, eat better food and so on. It's like, that what is now is never good enough. Yes, I can buy a new tablet and feel happy, or achieve success at work, meet a nice person, have a beautiful conversation... but it fades quite quickly. And then a new "happiness chasing" happens.


<em>How to define happiness when you look at it? </em>To me, it is very nice feeling. That's all.


<em>And what factors do you think are important in achieving happiness?</em> The key factor to me is having the "not good enough" feeling or even suffering. Then it is just about figuring out how to get rid of that and to feel the opposite.

30 września 2014

Happiness for me is being at peace with yourself and with the people around you.I think it can be so many different things for different people.Some people want money or material things,some want family and children,some want an exciting career.It can also change at different stages of your life.

For me happiness is being with the people I love,but also being free to travel whenever I want and to experience as much of this world as I can.

30 września 2014