Alessia Pandolfi
Learning Article : Italian Food Idioms

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<a href='/article/475/italian-food-idioms' target='_blank'>Italian Food Idioms</a>

Using idioms and expressions in a foreign language can be quite difficult. This is especially true if you don't live in the target language's country or if you never have the chance to practice with a native speaker. This article will help by teaching you about five interesting idioms related to food in Italian.

26 cze 2015 00:00
Komentarze · 3

...very interesting

26 czerwca 2015
For <em>vestirci a cippola</em> - I think a nearer translation would be "to layer" or "dress in layers". That's how I would say it as a native speaker. "To dress intelligently" to me means dress with discretion or dress yourself to make a good impression. Based on the examples you used I would say something different in English.

"It's supposed to get warmer this afternoon so make sure you dress in layers."
"Summer clothes are great in winter because I can layer them with jackets and leggings."
30 stycznia 2020

Thanks Aliya! have you been studying italian? :)

1 października 2015