My Son's Exam Story 2 I ate dinner at good place with my family last day. Because my son said that he did well on the exam, but I still do not see his result. On the positive aspect, he tried to talk about exam with me. But there is a limitation in case of his good result. Regardless of his result, I hope that my son freely tell me about his whole things include exam. For providing this condition, What I have to do?
10 lip 2014 19:59
Poprawki · 2

My Son's Exam Story 2


My family and I ate had dinner at good place with my family last yesterday. Because My son said claimed that he did well on the exam, but as I still do not see his grade result.
On the positive side, aspect, he tried to talk discussed the about exam with me. But there is a limitation in case of his good result. ??? I don't understand this and unable to guess your meaning.

Regardless of Whatever his grades may be, result, I hope that my son can feel freely to discuss things with me, tell me about his whole things include examor otherwise.

For providing this condition, By showing me that he can discuss, this is all I can do. What I have to do? I am only guessing.  I don't understand your intent.

11 lipca 2014

My Son's Exam Story 2

I ate dinner at good place with my family last day yesterday.
Because my son said that he did well on the exam, but I still do have  not seen his result.
On the positive aspect, he tried to talk about the exam with me. But there is a limitation in case of his good result.
Regardless of his result, I hope that my son freely tells me about his whole things everything include including exams.
For providing this condition, What I have to do?

10 lipca 2014
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