Sean Coleman
Yearbook Translation #1 Note: I have started making translations of paragraphs in my yearbook from English to Spanish and I would really appreciate it if native speakers could read and edit my translation. The first paragraph will be the original English excerpt, and the second paragraph will be my translation. Original: "When I was young, my dad and I played together and it was 'our thing'. My dad passed away in August; now that my best friend is gone, I play for him. I will always play for my dad". Translation: "Cuando era joven, mi papá y yo jugamos al básquetbol juntos y fue 'nuestra cosa'. Mi papá se murió en Agosto; ahora que mi amigo mejor sea muerto, jugaré por él. Siempre jugaré por mi papá."
26 lip 2014 16:54
Poprawki · 11

Yearbook Translation #1

Note: I have started making translations of paragraphs in my yearbook from English to Spanish and I would really appreciate it if native speakers could read and edit my translation. The first paragraph will be the original English excerpt, and the second paragraph will be my translation.

Original: "When I was young, my dad and I played together and it was 'our thing'. My dad passed away in August; now that my best friend is gone, I play for him. I will always play for my dad".

Translation: "Cuando era joven, mi papá y yo solíamos jugar=we used to play jugábamos ('Pretérito imperfecto de indicativo' to talk about usual actions in the past: Los mayas jugaban al juego de la pelota.) al básquetbol (I haven't found that word in the dictionary.) basket/basketball/baloncesto juntos, y eso (that) fue 'nuestra cosa'. Mi papá se murió/murió en agosto. (small letter). Ahora que mi mejor amigo (best friend) mejor sea está (is) muerto, jugaré por él. Siempre jugaré por mi papá."

26 lipca 2014

Yearbook Translation #1

Note: I have started making translations of paragraphs in my yearbook from English to Spanish and I would really appreciate it if native speakers could read and edit my translation. The first paragraph will be the original English excerpt, and the second paragraph will be my translation.

Original: "When I was young, my dad and I played together and it was 'our thing'. My dad passed away in August; now that my best friend is gone, I play for him. I will always play for my dad".

Translation: "Cuando era joven, mi papá y yo jugábamos al baloncesto juntos y eso era 'nuestra cosa'. Mi papá se murió en agosto. Ahora que mi mejor amigo se ha ido, juego por él. Siempre jugaré por mi papá".

27 lipca 2014

Yearbook Translation #1

Note: I have started making translations of paragraphs in my yearbook from English to Spanish and I would really appreciate it if native speakers could read and edit my translation. The first paragraph will be the original English excerpt, and the second paragraph will be my translation.

Original: "When I was young, my dad and I played together and it was 'our thing'. My dad passed away in August; now that my best friend is gone, I play for him. I will always play for my dad".

Translation: "Cuando era joven, mi papá y yo jugabamos al básquetbol juntos y eso era 'nuestra cosa'. Mi papá se murió en Agosto; ahora que mi mejor amigo se ha ido, jugaré por él. Siempre jugaré por mi papá."

26 lipca 2014
This is actually a story from someone else, not me. My dad actually passed away in April 2010. But thanks for the condolences :) Also I'm sorry to hear about your dad too.
26 lipca 2014
Sorry for your loss Sean, My dad has also gone in that month but 2 years ago now.
26 lipca 2014
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