20140731. I like a movie, "MyeongRyang" I saw a Korean movie, "MyeongRyang". Its story is about Lee Soon Shin who is famous Korean admiral, especially he directed combat, the name is "MyeongRyang" combat. That combat was really disadvantageous to him, because he just had 12 warships, the enemy had 330 warships. (the enemy was japanese.) but he was a genius strategist. thanks to his strategy what is using sea current, he and Korean navy won dramatically. this story was based on truth(or history), so I was more moved that.
31 lip 2014 05:50
Poprawki · 1

20140731. I like the movie, "MyeongRyang"

I saw a Korean movie, "MyeongRyang".
It's a story is about Lee Soon Shin, who is a famous Korean admiral. In particular, he fought the "MyeongRyang" battle.
He was at a real disadvantage, because he had just 12 warships, and the enemy had 330 warships.
(the enemy was Japanese.)
But he was a genius strategist.
Thanks to his strategy what is using sea currents, he and the Korean navy won dramatically.
This was based on a true story, so I was more moved by it.

31 lipca 2014
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