Yuxi Gu
Which should teach children how to be good members of society? School or parents? Nowadays, there are two kinds of views about teaching children. Some people think parents are supposed to teach their children to be good members in society. They consider that parents know their children better than others, which means that they have more opportunities and time to communicate and give them examples to involve in the society. Parents also would have more focus on how their children behave in particular situation with unlimited places and time. What's more, parents are children's best teacher and children would love to believe and obey their parents said. Therefore, they think parents should take more responsibility to teach their children to be good members in society. However, others consider that school is a more appropriate place for children to learn that. As we all know, school is the place that children spend a long time to stay and acquire a variety of knowledge with classmates whose ages are similar with them. They are easier to be taught and understanding the discipline and demands that society required. They can learn from their teachers, their classmates and their friends too. Personally I think that school might be a better choice for teaching children to be a good citizen in society. Although parents can do this, the school is a part of society, even is a micro society for children. They can solve with problems by themselves and experience impressively. Overall, I believe that children would learn more in school than learn from their parents of how to be good members in society.
31 lip 2014 15:14
Poprawki · 2

Which Who should teach children how to be good members of society? School or parents?

Nowadays, there are two kinds of views about teaching children. Some people think parents are supposed to teach their children to be good members in of society. They consider that parents know their children better than others, which means that they have more opportunities and time to communicate and give them examples of how to involved in the society. Parents also would have more focus on (a better understanding of?) how their children behave in particular situations with unlimited places and time (because they are always with them?). What's more, parents are children's best teachers and children would love to believe and obey what their parents said say. Therefore, they think parents should take more responsibility to teach for teaching their children to be good members in of society.

However, others consider that school is a more appropriate place for children to learn that. As we all know, school is the place that where children spend a long time in order to stay and acquire a variety a great deal of knowledge with classmates whose ages are similar with them to theirs. They are It is easier for them to be taught and understanding the discipline and demands that society required requires. They can learn from their teachers, their classmates and their friends too. 

Personally, I think that school might be a better choice for teaching children to be a good citizens in society. Although parents can do this, the school is a part of society.  It even is a micro society for children. They can solve with problems by themselves and gain an impressive amount of experience impressively. Overall, I believe that children would learn more in school than they would learn from their parents of about how to be good members in of society.

31 lipca 2014
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