Shane Mudge
悪夢に魘さねた。:( ああ、怖じた。私は悪魔憑かれた。ah, it was so scary. I was possesed by a demon. what happened was , well first i wasnt me i was a character from that tv show charmed and the evil spirit attacked her while she was pregnant and she had two monster and one normal baby and her sister and her tried to fight it off with magic but it just screamed inside her when she did and it didnt work. It was scary feeling it crackle and scream inside her. ;(
18 wrz 2014 10:12
Poprawki · 2
LOL. I never think you have to delete this entry, but if you'd still like to you could from here:
23 stycznia 2015
I don't know why i wrote this as a notebook entry. I was tired and didn't bother with grammar. I apologize to anyone trying to read this mess. If i could i would delete it. :P
23 stycznia 2015
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