hi~this is my new work "zombie toy in box" I still have to update my fans page article........by Chinese...here is my new work "zombie toy in box" ! I just update one picture to italki, others you can see in my page~ http://goo.gl/vVzEPY The size is small the plate is only about one or two nails big ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- And here is my articles in the page, and I 'll translate it to English here,I hope anyone can correct my sentence.than I can update my English articles to my page. More importantly, I will learn the correct answer, ha! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------以下為專頁原文 適逢印了明信片,於是最近想辦個小活動,贈送明信片的抽獎活動,正在籌劃中,有興趣的朋友這幾天請關注一下喔^^ ------------------------------------------------------------ 下面這是這禮拜做的,小小殭屍玩具箱...... 照片看起來還好,但是實品我挺喜歡的~~ 注意!有螢火蟲燈!桌上是眼球大餐,毒蘋果以及涼拌蝙蝠,哈~ 桌子底下還有桌巾,東西小複雜以至於無法一張照片呈現> <" 突然......好想做黏土動畫啊! 有人有興趣嗎? 如果你會做動畫或者編故事,或許某一天我們會一起做出一部黏土動畫 歡迎交流一下= =+ --------------------------------------------------------------------------以下為破英文翻譯.......... Beacuse of I have sale the post card, so I want to (辦抽獎活動的英文是?這句後面翻不出來....) If you are interesting for free post card, Please follow my page this days^^. And this is my work this week, a "zombie toy in box" , the picture is not very good(實品比照片好看不知道怎麼翻...) There has eyeball meal, bat salad, and poison apple~ha! the firefly light is my favorite, I think it is cute! there is also have a tablecloth under the table!("東西小複雜以至於無法一張照片呈現"翻不出來...) And does somebody interesting at clay animation? maybe somedays we can do it togeter~
21 wrz 2014 17:49
Poprawki · 1

hi~this is my new work "zombie toy in box"

I still have to update my fans page article........by Chinese...here is my new work "zombie toy in box" !
I just update one picture to italki, others you can see in my page~
The size is small the plate is only about one or two nails big !
And here is my articles in the page, and I 'll translate it to English here,I hope anyone can correct my sentence.than I can update my English articles to my page.
More importantly, I will learn the correct answer, ha!
桌子底下還有桌巾,東西小複雜以至於無法一張照片呈現> <"
突然......好想做黏土動畫啊! 有人有興趣嗎? 如果你會做動畫或者編故事,或許某一天我們會一起做出一部黏土動畫
歡迎交流一下= =+
Beacuse of I have sale the post card, so I want to hold a raffle.

If you are interesting for free post card, Please follow my page this days^^.(這幾天)

And this is my work this week, a "zombie toy in box" ,
the picture is not very good(實品比照片好看不知道怎麼翻...)
There has eyeball meal, bat salad, and poison apple~ha! the "firefly light" is my favorite, I think it is cute!
there is also have a tablecloth under the table!("東西小複雜以至於無法一張照片呈現"翻不出來...)
And does somebody interesting at clay animation? maybe somedays we can do it togeter~

24 września 2014
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