my favorite vacation I'll tell you my favorite vacation .I went to Mt.Jiri 2 years ago . It was spring time i think. They were such mt.lovers so they were so good at going up mt. I was not good so they had even trained me hiking before we went to MtJiRi. The area of mt. Jiri is so huge. The places we went is called exactly 지리산 둘레길. It took us 9hours to hike. We ate pajeon ,도토리묵 and drank 막걸리 whenever we found a restaurant. We took a lot of pictures .we sometimes danced and sang a song and ran in a row. I was so happy to go up mt. With colse friend i really like. And also the view of the area is so beautiful that I couldn't just pass. I really like the feeling I can have whenver I am in mt Jiri . Since then I go to mt. jiri every summer.
22 paź 2014 14:22
Poprawki · 3

My favorite vacation

I'll tell you  about my favorite vacation .I went to Mt.Jiri 2 years ago . It was spring time i think. They were such mountain lovers so they were so good at going up the mountain. I was not good so they had even trained me in hiking before we went to MtJiRi. The area of mt. Jiri is huge. The place we went is called exactly 지리산 둘레길. It took us 9hours to hike. We ate pajeon ,도토리묵 and drank 막걸리 ( I don't know it)whenever we found a restaurant. We took a lot of pictures .we sometimes danced and sang a song and ran in a line . I was so happy to go up the mountain with a close  friend i really like. And also the view of the area is so beautiful that I couldn't just pass. I really like the feeling I can have whenever I am in mt Jiri . Since then I go to mt. jiri every summer.

You can only write Mt. when you mention the name of the mountain but not when you want to just say the word "mountain".

22 października 2014

my favorite vacation

I'll tell you my favorite vacation .I went to Mt.Jiri 2 years ago . It was spring time i think. They were such mt.lovers so they were so good at going up mt. I was not good so they had even trained me hiking before we went to MtJiRi. The area of mt. Jiri is so huge. The places we went is called exactly 지리산 둘레길. It took us 9hours to hike. We ate pajeon ,도토리묵 and drank 막걸리 whenever we found a restaurant. We took a lot of pictures .we sometimes danced and sang a song and ran in a row. I was so happy to go up mt. With colse friend i really like. And also the view of the area is so beautiful that I couldn't just pass. I really like the feeling I can have whenver I am in mt Jiri . Since then I go to mt. jiri every summer.


최고의 휴가..


나의 최고의 휴가에대해 이야기하겠습니다. 나는 2년전에 지리산을 다녀왔어요. 그때는 봄이었어요. 많은사람들이 등산(go mountain)을 가는 계절이었는지 그들은 산을 매우 잘 올라갔습니다. 내가 산을잘 오르지못해서 그들은 나에게 산을 잘 오르는법을 알려주었어요. 지리산은 무척 크고 넓었어요. 그곳은 지리산둘레길인데 우리는 많은 사진을 찍었어요. 우리는 줄지어 걸어가면서 노래도부르고 춤도추고 달리기도 했어요. 나는 산을 오르는게 너무 재미있고 신이났어요. 친한친구와 함께가니 정말 더 행복했어요. 그 풍경은 너무나 아름다워서 그냥 지나칠수가 없었어요. 내가 지리산에 있는어떤 순간도 나는 모두 행복했어요. 이제 매년 여름엔 지리산을 갈거예요.


22 października 2014

my favorite vacation

I'll tell you my favorite vacation .I went to Mt.Jiri 2 years ago with my friends. It was spring time i think. They were such mt.lovers so they were so good at going up mt. I was not good so they had even trained me hiking before we went to MtJiRi. The area of mt. Jiri is so huge. The places we went is called exactly 지리산 둘레길. It took us 9hours to hike. We ate pajeon ,도토리묵 and drank 막걸리 whenever we found a restaurant. We took a lot of pictures .we sometimes danced and sang a song and ran in a row. I was so happy to go up mt. With colse friend i really like. And also the view of the area is so beautiful that I couldn't just pass. I really like the feeling I can have whenver I am in mt Jiri . Since then I go to mt. jiri every summer.

22 października 2014
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