Post? Are there any mistakes? Could you explain? thanks Hello, my dear friend? How are you doing? What is the weather like? Here it is very chilly and gloomy. Every day you feel that the weather is becoming harsher. As for me, things are not bad for me and I am trying to keep warm. Today, it is my nephew birthday and as my daughter and he is the sa,e age and goes to the same kindergarten I promised to pick up them early today. Tomorrow I am going to meet with my ex colleague and maybe after that I will go to my sister to stay there. I spent all my small salary and again I didn't manage to save some money on a new computer. I hate to type on sensitive phones since it is very fiddly. I would like to stay at my sister since it is easy to go to church from her house as the church is only five minute walk from her flat. Also, my daighter adores staying there as her room is spacious and she has lots of space to play there. Today I wanted to go to the central part of Moscow but because of cold weather I decided to do it on Sunday. That's all my boring news. I must bid you farewell since household chores. Take care and keep in warm. Yours, F
24 paź 2014 06:02
Poprawki · 1

Hello, my dear friend? 

How are you doing? What is the weather like? Here it is very chilly and gloomy. Every day you feel that the weather is becoming harsher. As for me, things are not bad (for me [повторение, 'As for me']) and I am trying to keep warm.
Today, it is my nephew's birthday, and as my daughter and he are [множ.] the same age and go [множ.] to the same kindergarten, I promised to pick up them early (today). Tomorrow I am going to meet with ['with' здесь часто необязательно] my ex colleague and maybe after that I will go to my sister to stay there [или, быть может "after that I will go and/to stay with my sister" для чуть-чуть более привычного порядка слов.]
I spent all my small salary and again I didn't manage to save some[более привычно, 'any'] money for ['save for' - a colocation] a new computer. I hate to type on sensitive phones since it is very fiddly [так!].
I would like to stay at my sister's ["<em>stay with my sister_</em>" или "<em>stay at my sister's", </em>которое означает "sister's home/flat"] since it is easy to go to church from her house as the church is only a five minute walk ["a five minute walk" или "_ five minute's walk", (то есть five minutes of walking) или просто "is five minutes from..."] from her flat. Also, my daughter adores staying there as her room is spacious and she has lots of space to play (there).
Today I wanted to go to the central part of Moscow but because of cold weather I decided to do it on Sunday.
That's all my boring news.
I must bid you farewell since I have chores to do around the house / since I have household chores/housework to do / as I have housework to do / as I have household chores to get on with и тд, много вариантов.
Take care and keep in warm ["keep warm!", "stay warm!", "stay <em>in the</em> warm!"].


Very well written, good exercise )

24 października 2014
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