Ahmed Noor Aldaim
Nothing can stop you! Our world don't give an even chances for us. Actions and consequence of events in our journey through life sometimes turn to be holding us and become a barrier in reaching what we want. Hope only will not get us any where.We need to put our passion, our hearts and emotions to achieve our purpose in the drama called life. Breaking down these holders require us to go through a new path of thinking, improve what the lord Allah gave us. If you suppose that you could touch the stars, think again you still in the ground of reality. Dreams and imaginary bubbles which contain our minds don't take place in this cruel world. These belongings seem like seeds. If you want it to grow, you have to stick it in the ground by facts, and improve its progressive growth through tools and gifts given by god Allah, so as to leave and breath in the empty space inside us. That's why we couldn't do anything without Allah's welfare and his absolute kindness....
25 paź 2014 17:03