Tonics in Taiwan Walking into a drugstore in Taiwan, you immediately have access to many kinds of tonics, like drugs for a cold, for diarrhoean, for sore muscle and so on. Tawanese peole do enjoy taking medicines, especially without doctor's approval. Working like an elixir, they probably regard the tonics as an useful tool.
18 lis 2014 06:49
Poprawki · 2

Tonics in Taiwan

Walking into a drugstore in Taiwan, you immediately have access to many kinds of tonics, like drugs for a cold, for diarrhoean, for sore muscles and so on. Taiwanese people do enjoy taking medicines, especially without doctor's approval. Working like an elixir, they probably regard the tonics as an useful tool.


Tonics is a bit formal. Usually we would say 'drugs' or 'medicine'.


Medicine is uncountable. "There was a lot of medicine" or "There was two types of medicine"


It should be 'a useful tool' instead of 'an useful tool'. This is because the 'U' in useful makes a 'y' sound, which is not a vowel. This also works the other way, for example, 'an hour'. 'h' is not a vowel, but it sounds like one here.


hope that helps :)

18 grudnia 2014
Achilles hill.... incredible as well !! it is really appreciating that u realized something went wrong, didn't u? wish to know does your govt do play any role to stop such crazy rooming in your locality?
18 listopada 2014
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