Ana Helena
My room. In the my room there is a bathroom, a bed and a small table. The bed is next to the table in front the door. The table under the window. There are some books, some children's photopraphy and there is a TV and a telephone on the table. There is a carpet on the flloor. There is a Jesus Cristo's picture on the wall. I love my room.
27 lis 2014 10:02
Poprawki · 3

My room.

In the my room there is a bathroom, a bed and a small table. The bed is next to the table in front of the door. The table is under the window. There are some books, some children's photopraphy and there is a TV and a telephone on the table. There is a carpet on the flloor. There is a Jesus Cristo's picture on the wall. I love my room.


<em>(you can use Christ's since it's the English translation for Cristo) </em>

27 listopada 2014

My room.

In my room there is a bathroom, a bed and a small table. The bed is next to the table in front of the door. The table is under the window. There are some books, some photos of my children and there is a TV and a telephone on the table. There is a carpet on the floor. There is a picture of Jesus Christ on the wall. I love my room.

Good job!!!

27 listopada 2014
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