A-San 去 大排檔 食麵 A-San 飲咗 好多酒。而家 佢 好 肚餓。 師傅嘅女朋友都肚餓, 所以佢哋想行開搵大牌檔食麵。 老細都係酒吧,因為佢俾咗A-San洗碗。 雖然佢唔肚餓,不過佢口乾。佢想飲咖啡。因為佢不過唔知大排檔無咖啡,佢都去。佢得閒,因為碗洗sai。三個人去酒吧附近嘅大排檔。A-San同埋師父嘅女朋友叫牛肉麵。細路想飲咖啡,不過大排檔無咖啡,所以佢食牛肉飯。老細好鍾意喺外邊大排檔食嘢,因為喺嗰度無太太嘅攝像頭。佢喺餐廳果陣,太太都係多偷睇佢,所以佢唔夠膽食嘢。 武術館嘅師傅都肚餓。但係因為武術館而家有好多學生,所以佢唔得閒,唔可以行開食嘢。佢都想食麵。佢好鍾意牛肉麵。因為太太部手機喺武術館,師傅可以上網搵牛肉麵。師傅叫外賣,喺武術館食牛肉麵。 肚餓 tou5 ngo6 hungry 麵 min6 noodles 牛肉麵 ngau4 juk6 min6 臭 cau3 stinky 大排檔 daai6 paai4 dong3 street stall 咖啡 gaa3 fe1 coffee 飯 faan6 得閒 dak1 haan4 have spare time 買 maai5 buy 叫外賣 giu3 ngoi6 maai6 order take-out 口乾 hau2 gon1 thirsty Related words for which I have the parts already with today's new words: min6 baau1 fong4 bakery tong1 min6 noodles in soup min6 baau1 si1 fu6*2 baker ji3 daai6 lei6 min6 spaghetti min6 baau1 ce1 van 食貓麵 sik6 maau1 min6 be scolded hau2 cau3 bad breath cau3 dau6 fu6 chou doufu gaa3fe1sik1 brown color gaa3 fe1 dim3 coffee shop ceng2 jam2 gaa3 fe1 bring a suspect in for interrogation ("invite to coffee") faan6 dim3 hotel maan5 faan6 dinner 晏晝飯 aan3 zau3 faan6 lunch hoi1 faan6 serve a meal jat1 gau6 faan6 a stupid idiot ("one old rice") 隔籬飯香 gaak3 lei4 faan6 hoeng1 the grass is always greener... haan4 waa6*2 gossip, idle speech giu3 sung3 order dishes with rice 嘥口水 saai1 hau2 seoi2 waste saliva trying to convince someone 香口 hoeng1 hau2 deep-fried 吃口 gat6 hau2 stutter
18 gru 2014 04:11
Poprawki · 4

A-San 去 大排檔 食麵

A-San 飲咗 好多酒。而家 佢 好 肚餓。 師傅嘅女朋友都肚餓, 所以佢哋想行 去搵大牌檔食麵。 老細都酒吧,因為佢俾咗 (or  同) A-San洗碗1。 雖然佢唔肚餓,不過佢口乾。佢想飲咖啡。因為佢 不過 唔知大排檔無咖啡,所以佢都去咗大排档。佢得閒,因為碗洗sai。三個人去酒吧附近嘅大排檔。A-San同埋師父嘅女朋友叫牛肉麵。細路 老细想飲咖啡,不過大排檔無咖啡,所以佢食牛肉飯。老細好鍾意喺外邊大排檔食嘢,因為喺嗰度無太太嘅攝像頭。佢喺餐廳 陣,太太都係多 喺度偷睇佢,所以佢唔夠膽食嘢。




1. 他A-San洗碗。

    佢幫(or同)A-San 洗碗。 (這裡不能用“俾”,粵語中的“俾”一般是“被”的意思)

肚餓 tou5 ngo6 hungry
麵 min6 noodles
牛肉麵 ngau4 juk6 min6
臭 cau3 stinky
大排檔 daai6 paai4 dong3 street stall
咖啡 gaa3 fe1 coffee
飯 faan6
得閒 dak1 haan4 have spare time
買 maai5 buy
叫外賣 giu3 ngoi6 maai6 order take-out
口乾 hau2 gon1 thirsty

Related words for which I have the parts already with today's new words:
min6 baau1 fong4 bakery
tong1 min6 noodles in soup
min6 baau1 si1 fu6*2 baker
ji3 daai6 lei6 min6 spaghetti
min6 baau1 ce1 van
食貓麵 sik6 maau1 min6 be scolded

hau2 cau3 bad breath
cau3 dau6 fu6 chou doufu

gaa3fe1sik1 brown color
gaa3 fe1 dim3 coffee shop
ceng2 jam2 gaa3 fe1 bring a suspect in for interrogation ("invite to coffee")

faan6 dim3 restaurant   zau2 dim3 hotel  (大的飯店名,有的會寫“**酒店”或者“***酒樓”。但是,一般人聽到“酒店”,都會偏向認為是“hotel”,是住的地方。)
maan5 faan6 dinner
晏晝飯 aan3 zau3 faan6 lunch
hoi1 faan6 serve a meal
jat1 gau6 faan6 a stupid idiot ("one piece of rice") 係量詞,唔係“舊”嘅意思。
隔籬飯香 gaak3 lei4 faan6 hoeng1 the grass is always greener...

haan4 waa6*2 gossip, idle speech

giu3 sung3 order dishes with rice

嘥口水 saai1 hau2 seoi2 waste saliva trying to convince someone
香口 hoeng1 hau2 deep-fried
吃口 gat6 hau2 stutter

18 grudnia 2014

A-San 去 大排檔 食麵

A-San 飲咗 好多酒。而家 佢 好 肚餓。 師傅嘅女朋友亦都好肚餓, 所以佢哋想搵間大牌檔食麵。 老細都係酒吧,因為佢俾咗A-San洗碗。 雖然佢唔肚餓,不過佢口乾。佢想飲咖啡。佢唔知大排檔無咖啡,但佢都一齊去。佢好得閒,因為碗洗sai。三個人去咗酒吧附近嘅大排檔。A-San同埋師父嘅女朋友叫咗牛肉麵。老細想飲咖啡,但係大排檔無咖啡,所以佢就唯有食牛肉飯。老細好鍾意喺街邊大排檔食嘢,因為喺嗰度無太太嘅攝像頭。佢喺餐廳果陣,佢太太成日都監視住佢,所以佢都唔夠膽食嘢。


肚餓 tou5 ngo6 hungry
麵 min6 noodles
牛肉麵 ngau4 juk6 min6
臭 cau3 stinky
大排檔 daai6 paai4 dong3 street stall
咖啡 gaa3 fe1 coffee
飯 faan6
得閒 dak1 haan4 have spare time
買 maai5 buy
叫外賣 giu3 ngoi6 maai6 order take-out
口乾 hau2 gon1 thirsty

Related words for which I have the parts already with today's new words:
min6 baau1 fong4 bakery
tong1 min6 noodles in soup
min6 baau1 si1 fu6*2 baker
ji3 daai6 lei6 min6 spaghetti
min6 baau1 ce1 van
食貓麵 sik6 maau1 min6 be scolded

hau2 cau3 bad breath
cau3 dau6 fu6 chou doufu

gaa3fe1sik1 brown color
gaa3 fe1 dim3 coffee shop
ceng2 jam2 gaa3 fe1 bring a suspect in for interrogation ("invite to coffee")

faan6 dim3 hotel
maan5 faan6 dinner
晏晝飯 aan3 zau3 faan6 lunch
hoi1 faan6 serve a meal
jat1 gau6 faan6 a stupid idiot ("one old rice")
隔籬飯香 gaak3 lei4 faan6 hoeng1 the grass is always greener...

haan4 waa6*2 gossip, idle speech

giu3 sung3 order dishes with rice

嘥口水 saai1 hau2 seoi2 waste saliva trying to convince someone
香口 hoeng1 hau2 deep-fried
吃口 gat6 hau2 stutter

25 grudnia 2014
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