primeira postagem no caderno since is Christmas, it doesn't matter what are your religion or creeds, Jesus teach us to love each other, so may we love more and more each other, not only today, but everyday of our lives. May we be more humble, as Jesus was on the earth.
26 gru 2014 00:33
Poprawki · 4

primeira postagem no caderno


Since it is Christmas, it doesn't matter what are your religion or creeds are, Jesus teaches us to love each other, so may we love more and more each other more and more, not only today, but everyday of our lives. May we be more humble, as Jesus was on the Earth.

26 grudnia 2014

primeira postagem no caderno

since it is Christmas, it doesn't matter what are your religions or creeds, Jesus teachs us to love each other.So may we love more and more each of other, not only today, but everyday of our lives. May we be more humble, as Jesus was on the earth.

26 grudnia 2014

primeira postagem no caderno (with correction)

since it is Christmas, it doesn't matter what your religion or creeds, Jesus teaches us to love each other, so may we love each other more and more, not only today, but everyday of our lives. May we be more humble, as Jesus was on Earth.

26 grudnia 2014
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