En tur Jeg vil reise på Saaremaa o Hiiumaa (Estland). Vi kan reise med bil og overnatte med couchsurfing. Vi kan ta med brød og kake.
27 gru 2014 22:47
Poprawki · 3


En tur


Jeg vil reise  til Saaremaa o og Hiiumaa (Estland). Vi kan reise med bil og (overnatte med couchsurfing)*/finne overnatting via Couchsurfing/couchsurfing <em>(use capital C if referring to the company name, but not if referring to the concept of couchsurfing in general)</em>. Vi kan ta med (oss) brød og kake.


<em>*I don't know if we'd say overnatte med couchsurfing in Norwegian; to me it sounds a little strange, although not completely illogical...., so I tried to think of an alternative way of expressing it (not sure I came up with the best one, though). As I'm not very familiar with the "couchsurfing jargon", perhaps someone else would like to add other suggestions ;) </em>

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