التعاون = yardımlaşma =Cooperation السلام عليكم انا اتعلم العربية و الانجليزية و بامكاني ان اساعدكم في التعلم التركية Ben Arapça vee İngilizce öğreniyorum ve size Türkçe'de yardım edebilirim I'm learning Arabic and English and I can help you in Turkish My account= ahmetensar1372
28 sty 2015 07:49
Poprawki · 1
how r y? i hope y as well and i want to become friends and i will Introduce myself my names anas and from Egypt and 18 y i will learn y language arabic and english and i want to learn language turkish from y can y help me .please? i hope y send to add me on here to become friends and thanks so much and have a nice day
10 września 2015
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