The software will useful Yesterday, a bussiness partner want sell his company to me. I'm interest in his company but i have no enough money. Today, i pay 10,000 yuan for a software. The software have a website and a mobile website, the main funtion of boardcast product information. That's will let more customs find me in internet. I wish the softwear realy useful.
2 mar 2015 08:44
Poprawki · 7

<em>Here are some different ways to write this.</em>

The software will be useful

Yesterday, a bussiness partner wanted to sell his company to me.
I'm interest in his company but I don't have no enough money.

Today, I paid 10,000 yuan for new software.
The software has a website and a mobile website, with the main funtion of boardcasting product information.
That's will let more customers find me on the internet.
I hope the software is really useful.

2 marca 2015

The software will be useful

Yesterday, a bussiness partner wanted sell his company to me.
I'm interested in his company, but I do not have no enough money.

Today, I paid 10,000 yuan for a software.
The software has a website and a mobile website, and the main function is to broadcast product information.
That's will let more customers find me on the internet.
I hope the software will be really useful.



A very good start!  It was easy to understand what you were trying to say, there were just a few errors in your tenses and spelling. Keep it up! :)

2 marca 2015
2 marca 2015
boardcast 广播
2 marca 2015
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