Today Today, I had my fourth rehab session. I had a injure on my foot so I'm getting a treatment to feel better and finally to get heal. For this reason, I'm not working out and that make me feel annoyed. Hopefuly this would end soon.
5 mar 2015 23:19
Poprawki · 2

Today, I had my fourth rehab session.  I have a foot injury so I'm getting treatment to feel better and to finally get healed.  For this reason, I'm not working out and that annoys me.  Hopefully this will end soon.



6 marca 2015


Today, I had my fourth rehab session. I had a injure on my foot so I'm getting a treatment to feel better and finally to get heal  fully recover. For this reason, I'm not working out and that makes me feel annoyed. Hopefully this would end soon.

6 marca 2015
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