Maria Happy Teacher
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...................................... You are a child who gets a present for one of your birthdays – a present you don’t pay so much attention to first. A little pet. A little bird. Who is very beautiful, but this is not the quality you start loving him for. Who sings amazing songs to the sun; who loves playing – either with you, or with his little baby-toys (depending on what he would find most exciting on this day). Who is very independent, but can’t help refusing a handful of sweets he had been casting curious glances at. Who is very shy and tries to stay away from people, but still is very inquisitive about your style of life and looks at you either with one or other eye. Who flies up to you when you don’t expect him to do it and suddenly kisses you with his sweet little yellowish beak. Who is very clever and knows what the game hide-and-seek is and knows how to play it. Who wakes up with the first morning beams – whereas you are still lazily sleeping – and starts flying over your head and singing amazing songs as if he wants to say: ‘Come, the sun is shining so beautifully, why are you still sleeping?!’. And you smile cheerfully because you know you were woken with your little dear friend, which means the day can’t be bad. You can tell him every detail of your life, and he will never share it with anybody else. You can let him know about all your joys and sorrows, and he will be trying to comfort you the way it is possible for him. You can cry next to him. Or you can be jumping for joy. And he will see you and start singing – whether happily or sadly, but you will be feeling much better with him. You are confused with these barriers. The barriers which were built up by someone alien – between you and him. Someone’s rough hands which grabbed him from the day of his birth, which were so rude to him – and which built up these walls between you and him. And how happy you are when these walls are broken! When he HIMSELF flies closer and closer to you. When he jumps up on your shoulder. When he fondly closes his eyes slightly swaying beneath this endearment. And you simply enjoy the touch of a delicate, lovable, breathing body under your caring hands. When he attentively listens to everything you say. And then repeats these words after you. What a happiness it was!
29 mar 2015 13:59