我学英语的记忆(memories of learning English) Part 2 学中文和斗争时,有发现很准确记忆当我笑的时候在学英语。 这是很 cool的经验。 As I studied Chinese and struggled through it, it seemed to trigger some very specific memories of moments from when I was small and studying English. It's rather neat going back in time like that. 1. 我先告诉我最近记得的记忆。我记得在高中时我的英语老师教授我们写多英语了他告诉我们写多了会越来越好的英语。 I'll start with my most recent memory that remembered. I remember my high school English teacher telling us to write a lot and he said that the more you write the better your English will be. 每天他made us写一篇作文,每星期五他会修改那个周写的。 He made us write a journal entry everyday and every Friday he collected our journals to correct. 每天写一篇作文是很难得所以我每天都不知道怎么写了但是我得写! Writing everyday was gruelling (a challenge), I often ran out of things to talk about but I had to write anyway! 无论如何,那时候我不裂解写多了的好处,却现在我裂解以来我开始在italki写的。 Anyway, I didn't see the benefit back then, but I do see the benefit now since I took his advice and started writing in Chinese here on Italki. 写多了让你练习生次(当然啊),却而且一些作文后,你会开始看出来speech patterns. Writing a lot allows you to exercise your new vocabulary (obviously), but the benefit I see is that through corrections you can start to see speech patterns after a few entries. 特别,有人改写你的句子因为你可以看一个本地人怎么说法。 Especially if, the person rewrites your whole sentence because then you get to observe how a native person expresses the same idea. 下次我写第三份继续 Next time I'll continue with part 3
23 kwi 2015 05:11
Poprawki · 8


I'll start with my most recent memory that remembered.


I remember my high school English teacher telling us to write a lot and he said that the more you write the better your English will be.


He made us write a journal entry everyday and every Friday he collected our journals to correct.

Writing everyday was gruelling (a challenge), I often ran out of things to talk about but I had to write anyway!


Anyway, I didn't see the benefit back then, but I do see the benefit now since I took his advice and started writing in Chinese here on Italki.

Writing a lot allows you to exercise your new vocabulary (obviously), but the benefit I see is that through corrections you can start to see speech patterns after a few entries.


Especially if, the person rewrites your whole sentence because then you get to observe how a native person expresses the same idea.


Next time I'll continue with part 3

23 kwietnia 2015

我学英语的记忆(memories of learning English) Part 2

在我努力学习中文并试图克服困难时,隐约激起了小时候学英语的一些记忆。 这是一段很美妙的时光。
As I studied Chinese and struggled through it, it seemed to trigger some very specific memories of moments from when I was small and studying English. It's rather neat going back in time like that.

1. 我先从自己还记着的事情开始。我记得高中时的英语老师让我们写英语文章,他说只有多写,英语才能越来越好。
I'll start with my most recent memory that remembered. I remember my high school English teacher telling us to write a lot and he said that the more you write the better your English will be.

He made us write a journal entry everyday and every Friday he collected our journals to correct.

Writing everyday was gruelling (a challenge), I often ran out of things to talk about but I had to write anyway!

Anyway, I didn't see the benefit back then, but I do see the benefit now since I took his advice and started writing in Chinese here on Italki.

Writing a lot allows you to exercise your new vocabulary (obviously), but the benefit I see is that through corrections you can start to see speech patterns after a few entries. 

Especially if, the person rewrites your whole sentence because then you get to observe how a native person expresses the same idea. 

Next time I'll continue with part 3



27 października 2015
因为你的中国文伴随你的英文的文 所以 很有益阅读你的文
26 kwietnia 2015
^_^ that's good, I'll be writing more ^_^!
25 kwietnia 2015

我学英语的记忆(memories of learning English) Part 2

学中文和斗争时,有发现很准确记忆当我笑的时候在学英语。 这是很 cool的经验。

As I studied Chinese and struggled through it, it seemed to trigger some very specific memories of moments from when I was small and studying English. It's rather neat going back in time like that.
当我与学中文的掙扎时, 似乎挑起小时学英文特異的回憶, 如若懷舊路上的一陣清風.

1. 我先告诉我最近记得的记忆。我记得在高中时我的英语老师教授我们写多英语了他告诉我们写多了会越来越好的英语。
I'll start with my most recent memory that remembered. I remember my high school English teacher telling us to write a lot and he said that the more you write the better your English will be.
讓我把最早的回憶来開始吧. 还記得当时我高中老師曾經告許过我们, 若要英文好, 必要多寫.
每天他made us写一篇作文,每星期五他会修改那个周写的。
He made us write a journal entry everyday and every Friday he collected our journals to correct.

Writing everyday was gruelling (a challenge), I often ran out of things to talk about but I had to write anyway!
每日[寫]一份日誌并非易事, 常常 不知道有什么好的寫出来
Anyway, I didn't see the benefit back then, but I do see the benefit now since I took his advice and started writing in Chinese here on Italki.

不管怎样, 那时, 不見寫作有什么益處. 現在不同了, 因為我承受了老師良言而开始在 italki 編作中文 小寫.

写多了让你练习生次(当然啊),却而且一些作文后,你会开始看出来speech patterns.
Writing a lot allows you to exercise your new vocabulary (obviously), but the benefit I see is that through corrections you can start to see speech patterns after a few entries.

多寫, 生字变成熟. 益處是从被修改之後的幾份小作中, 语音模式可見.

Especially if, the person rewrites your whole sentence because then you get to observe how a native person expresses the same idea.

尤其是他人將你字句轉換, 可見得母語者如何揮发其意.

Next time I'll continue with part 3

下次, 继续第三份

23 kwietnia 2015
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