homework:What is social work? The social work is a work what help people and help them solve the social ploblem.It help people who is poor 、old and weak、disabled and others unlucky in our social. It prevent and solve some income difficult or lifestyle badness give rise to social ploblem.The social work hold a service in the community,and perfect the social function,improve the social welfare and the social life quality,come true oneself and the social harmont,promote the social stabilization and develop.
23 maj 2015 07:37
Poprawki · 1

homework:What is social work?

Social work is a job which helps people and enables  them to solve  social problems.It helps people who are poor 、old and weak、disabled and others unlucky in our society. It prevents and solves some income difficulties or lifestyle difficulties which  give rise to social problems.Social work provides a service in the community,and perfects the social function,improves the social welfare and the social life quality,come true oneself and the social harmont,(??)promotes the social stability  and development.

I think it would be helpful to give specific examples of the help that social workers give.

23 maja 2015
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