Happiness... ¿ What do we make happy? ¿ The Family? ¿ Friends? ¿ The Money? ¿ The love? ¿ The Power? ¿ The peace of soul?. Studies scientists of California university offer us a curious sign: A chemical level all is in hands of a peptic that acts as neurotransmitter. Having received the name of "hypocretin" and increase or enlarge(I don't know how is written ) in the body if we feel happy. Called the protein of felicity and decrease his concentration when we find us sad and dejected. The reality is that the protein of felicity is the Love for yourself, to God, to everyone and life self. Whatever evil, your love is the answer; whatever crisis, your love is the answer. The happiness gets bigger if you are with God, if you value the positive way, if you are grateful, if you serve to others. Thanks, guys I hope your recommendations!!
28 maj 2015 15:30