shopping online I've asked to write an essay about shopping online, and here it is: Shopping online, pros and cons. Each and every day millions of payments are made online all around the globe, buying not only products, but also services, kwnoledge, and all sort of “buyable”. The online consumption is widely and progresively growing as the time past, but ¿are all advantages? At fist sight, like everything else that could be analysed, shopping online brings about some downsides. Probably the most claimed disadvantage is that we can not prove the product before buying it (see it, touch it, evaluate it), and this is a really bad point for products like clothes, for instance. Besides, people fear some dangers of online shopping like sending our money to someone's bank account who just created a fake shopping website, or even being cyberattacked by hackers in order to steel our banking information. Nevertheles these drawbacks are quite unlikely, and on the other hand the big advantages are actually palpable. Firstly, the comfortability of buying without going out of our own houses seems obvious. Also we can buy anything from anywhere, does not matter where the shop actuallly is. People from any country are sure to buy their products if they sell it online. And finally, and the most important, worldwide connection via internet is greatly improving the commertial network between different parts of the world, and it is also being a big impulse for freelance alternatives and clients who prefer to contact directly with the facturer and not with mere sellers. Concluding, it seems that online commerce is bringing about loads of advantages for both clients and shops, and the possible dangers and disadvantages that this way of buying could have are not less grave as the traditional shopping could have.
29 maj 2015 09:41
Poprawki · 8

Shopping online

I've been asked to write an essay about shopping online, and here it is:

Shopping online, pros and cons.

Each and every day millions of payments are made online all around the globe, buying as people by not only products but also services, knowledge, and all sort of “buyables”. The Online consumption is widely and progresively growing as the time passes, but are there only advantages?

[The article 'the' implies something specific.  Omitting 'the' implies you are talking about something in general.  'Online consumption' is a general idea, so 'the' is not needed.]
At fist sight, like everything else that can be analysed, shopping online brings about (has) some downsides. Probably the most claimed obvious disadvantage is that we can not prove try the product before buying it (see it, touch it, evaluate it), and this is a really bad point for products like clothes, for instance.

[Probar en español = to try, to taste, to sample, or to try on (e.g., clothing) in English.  I'd like you to try (probar) the cake I just baked.]

Besides, people fear some dangers of online shopping like sending our money to someone else's bank account who just created a fake shopping website, or even being cyberattacked by hackers in order to who wish to steal our banking information. [steel = acero, steal = robar]
Nevertheles, these drawbacks are quite unlikely, and on the other hand the big advantages are actually palpable. Firstly, the comfortability (convenience) of buying without going out of our own houses seems obvious. Also we can buy anything from anywhere, since it does not matter where the shop actually is. People from any country are sure to buy their products if they sell them (the products) online. And finally, and the most important, worldwide connection via internet is greatly improving the commertial network between different parts of the world, and it is also being a big impulse for (o, it is also promoting) freelance alternatives and clients who prefer to make contact directly with the manufacturer and not with mere sellers.
Concluding (In conclusion), it seems that online commerce is bringing about loads of advantages for both clients and shops, and the possible dangers and disadvantages that this way of buying could have are no less grave than those that traditional shopping could have.

29 maja 2015
That's true
30 maja 2015
There also a downside of a seller doing photoshop and editing their products so that it looks good to buyers.
30 maja 2015
The first sentence should say "I've been asked", sorry.
29 maja 2015
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