An Unexpected super hot summer When i moved to Freiburg, people said that im the lucky one to live in the sunniest city of Germany. At first, i felt the same way cause i arrived here in September when it was cool even a bit cold in Marburg, i still wore shorts here. This late spring the weather was weird rainy and cloudy, which some people in our lab joke thats because of us, Marburg people. We brought the bad weather here. Now, their summer has come. Today, the temperature was 37 and it keep going up in several days. Although Im from a tropical country, i would say its terrible. Im living in an attic of a WG so my room is super warm that i cant breath. This room reminds me my own room at home that i couldnt live during summer time. Does Anyone know the situation that you are tired but cant sleep, you only drink water all day but dont want to eat beacause of the heat? Its totally I am now. So, Freiburg people, thats your looking forward summer, enjoy it!
2 lip 2015 21:42