Listened In Argentina. Frases arfentinisimas para todos y todas This are phrases made in Argentina, translated literally. I really enjoy describing them. If you like them, you could try a shoot in a sentence below. I will be grad to check your shoot :) Or if you didn't understand any, just ask me :) Or if you want to practice your spanish, I could help you :) I am not teacher, just practice my english. * Make me the leg: "Haceme la gamba." It is used when you need someone help you with some issue. It is equivalent to say "give me a hand with". Ej: Me queda poco para temrinar de ordenar, haceme la gamba y termio antes. * For if the flies: "Por si las moscas." It menas "just in case". Ej: Lleva paraguas, por si las moscas llueve. * Eye to the louse: "Ojo al piojo." It is used in situations when you should be careful. Ej: Ojo al piojo con con las tijeras, no te vayas a cortar. * Wait me a charlie: "Esperame un cachito." It means that you need just a little bit of time. Ej: Esperame un cachito, termino de cabiarme y vamos. * You have me tired, you have me: "Me tenés cansado, me tenés." This expresion is used when you feel tired about someone or some situation witch is repetitive. Ej: Te pedi que mantengas la limpieza en la casa. Me tenes cansada, me tenes! This expresion start and finish with the same set of words "me tenes". It is just a slang. Where I was born, it is called "Capikua". A number can also be capikua, like "12321", or a word like "Neuquen". * Go to know: "Anda a saber" It menas that is posibly that anybody knows about the truth of what said before. Ej: Y porque se llama asi este arroyo? Ni idea... anda a saber * Catch yourself catherine: "Agarrate catalina" It is used when the butterfly effect is coming, but specially for you jajaja Ej: A: nos fuimos del dpto y quedo la cocina hecha un lio. B: naaa...no importa. A: que no importa? jaja ahora cuando vuelvas Agarrate catalina !!
2 sie 2015 08:14