Translate spanish article into a english I'm trying to improve my writing and comprenhension so I took two paragraphs of the news and translated them. I'd like to have your opinion, thanks We are willing to cooperate against terrorism. Hollande to Putin Russian’s president Vladimir Putin said this Thursday that he is willing to cooperate in the fight antiterrorist in Siria, as an answer to his French contrapart François Hollande who is looking for a “large coalition” against the yihadist group Islamic state. “We think that this coalition is absolutely necessary and in this our positions match”, said Putin, quoting the need of “join efforts against a commun bad”. “We are willing to concrete this cooperation”, highlighted the russian’s president in the beginning of his conversations in the Kremlin with his French pair. El presidente ruso Vladimir Putin dijo este jueves que está dispuesto a cooperar en la lucha antiterrorista en Siria, en respuesta a su homólogo francés François Hollande quien aboga por una "amplia coalición" contra el grupo yihadista Estado Islámico (EI). "Pensamos que esta coalición es absolutamente necesaria y en esto nuestras posiciones coinciden", señaló Putin, citando la necesidad de "unir los esfuerzos contra un mal común". "Estamos dispuestos a concretar esta cooperación", destacó el presidente ruso al comienzo de sus conversaciones en el Kremlin con su par francés.
26 lis 2015 18:50
Poprawki · 1

Translate spanish article into a english

I'm trying to improve my writing and comprehension so I took two paragraphs of the news and translated them. I'd like to have your opinion, thanks

We are willing to cooperate against terrorism. Hollande to Putin

Russian’s president Vladimir Putin said, this Thursday, that he is willing to cooperate in the fight against terrorism in Syria, as an answer to his French counterpart François Hollande who is looking for a “broad coalition” against the jihadist group Islamic state.

“We think that this coalition is absolutely necessary and, in this, our positions coincide”, said Putin, quoting the need for “joint efforts against a common evil”. “We are willing to realise this cooperation”, highlighted the Russian President at the beginning of his conversations in the Kremlin with his French counterpart.

El presidente ruso Vladimir Putin dijo este jueves que está dispuesto a cooperar en la lucha antiterrorista en Siria, en respuesta a su homólogo francés François Hollande quien aboga por una "amplia coalición" contra el grupo yihadista Estado Islámico (EI).
"Pensamos que esta coalición es absolutamente necesaria y en esto nuestras posiciones coinciden", señaló Putin, citando la necesidad de "unir los esfuerzos contra un mal común". "Estamos dispuestos a concretar esta cooperación", destacó el presidente ruso al comienzo de sus conversaciones en el Kremlin con su par francés.


Hello Susana,


I think you did a very good job of translating this article, just a few spelling mistakes and a few places where I changed a word to make it more natural.


Hope this helps



26 listopada 2015
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