Please correct my entry, Thanks. 1 - In the first place I have to say something important, being one of my students means that you are an excellent student. So try to make me hold this idea and keep improving yourself. 2 - To be a father not only means that you have to work and provide your family needs, but also means that you have to share your family in everything like house work, teaching kids and to make all he family feel safe. 3 - As a matter of fact, we have a bad financial position. and probably we will offer the company for sale. I am sorry for saying that, but all of you should start looking for new jobs. 4 - Last week we put a plan to arrange our math study. In like manner, we need a plan for the other subjects.We have to do that now. There is no long time to the final exams.5 - When you want to express your opinion about any matter, you have to put something in your mind. First you have to respect others' opinions. second, You have to listen carefully to others' opinions. In addition you have to put a possibility that you are wrong. Please correct my entry, or try to help me to express any of these sentences in a better way ( Like how native speakers would express ). Thanks in advance.
21 paź 2014 22:49