How to say "Do you love me?" 너는 저사랑해? This is what I came up with.. Is it wrong? How do I properly say this? And are there more ways to say this?
28 mar 2015 04:00
Odpowiedzi · 17
Haha. 저 is the honorific form of 나. How about this. 너는 나 사랑해? To me, It sounds more natural to say like this. 나 사랑해? Because Koreans usually don't use subjects in common sentences unlike you guys. :-)
28 marca 2015
I agree. It's about the intonation. In English we can add an extra word (like "do") to change statements into a question while also changing our tone or we can just change our tone. Ex. Her name is Sarah. -> Is her name Sarah? Or Her name is Sarah? In Korean, you can change the ending and the tone of voice or we can just change our tone. Ex. 너는 사과를 먹어요. (You eat apples) -> 너는 사과를 먹어요? (Do you eat apples?) Stop thinking so much in English. And about word-for-word translations. Focus on meaning. They're two completely different languages. I am tired (저는 피곤해요) word for word in Korean would be incorrect (저 피곤하다이다). Do you love me (너는 나를 사랑해요) word for word translated would be incorrect (하다 너 사랑하다나). Different word order, etc. I wanted to tag this so I need to leave an answer.
2 kwietnia 2015
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