an english riddle do u know any riddle about people's life process from young to old (except the one about four legs,two legs, three legs )!!? Thank you
27 mar 2011 03:11
Odpowiedzi · 5
Here are 2 riddles for you: 1. My life can be measured in hours, I serve by being devoured, I can be thin, quick, fat, I am slow, wind is my foe. What am I? A candle. 2. I am the beginning of earth and eternity. I am the end of time and space. I am the end of the universe. What am I? Letter E.
27 marca 2011
Wow, typos: CORRECTED: Men, when they are little, like to fart. When they are old, they become an old fart. Meaning: Kids (namely boys in America) sometimes like to play the fart game (search for Eddie Murphy, the Fart Game). Haha...we will torture people and make them smell our fart ( boys in China do such obnoxious things?). When a man becomes very old, he can be nick named an old fart because sometimes they cannot control there smell (they fart a lot...or worse). Sorry, more of a joke then a riddle.
29 marca 2011
Men, when they are little, like to fart. When they are old, they become an old fart. Meaning: Kids (namely boys in America) sometimes like to play the fart game (search for Eddie Murphy, the Fart Game). Haha...we will torture people and make them smell our fart ( boys in China do such obnoxious things?). When an man becomes very old, he can be nick named and old fart because sometimes they cannot control there smell (they fart a lot...or worse). Sorry, more of a joke then a riddle.
29 marca 2011
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