nauczyciel włoski Valerio


Lektor ze społeczności
Rodzimy użytkownik
Tutor di supporto all'apprendimento con oltre 10 anni di esperienza.
Z: WłochyMiejsce zamieszkania: Bari, Włochy (20:14 UTC-06:00)
O mnie
Nauczyciel italki od 17 Nov 2021
Temat zgodny z zainteresowaniamiPodróżeNauki ścisłeSztuka
Ciao, sono Valerio e sono nato e vivo a Bari, nella mia amata Puglia. Sono uno studente di Medicina e Chirurgia e appassionato di musica. Suono la chitarra e insegno musica in una scuola dell'infanzia, oltre a tenere corsi di chitarra per i più grandi. Sono molto curioso, mi piace leggere, la letteratura latinoamericana (il mio scrittore preferito è Gabriel García Márquez), ascoltare musica (adoro blues, soul, rock) e sono sempre stato affascinato dalle lingue. Oltre l'italiano parlo inglese e spagnolo e sto cercando di imparare il tedesco e rispolverare il francese studiato alle scuole medie.

włoski Lekcje

Lekcja próbna
Ukończone lekcje: 64
USD 12.00+
Conversazione Informale - Informal Conversation
A2 -  C2


Ukończone lekcje: 636
USD 25.00+
Pakiet z 14% zniżki
Glossario! - Improve your vocabulary!
A2 -  C2


Ukończone lekcje: 55
USD 25.00+
Pakiet z 14% zniżki
Lezione per tutti i livelli - Beginner to Pro lesson
A1 -  B2


Ukończone lekcje: 148
USD 25.00+
Pakiet z 14% zniżki


Według Twojej strefy czasowej (UTC+00:00)
Moje prace
Słownictwo (57)
Quiz (43)

112 opinie/i

Uczeń MacKayAlistair
54 lekcje/i włoski
Wybór nauczyciela
We always have a wonderful conversation about interesting topics. Valerio is very attentive to what I like to learn about Italy.
12 gru 2023
Uczeń Jerry
50 lekcje/i włoski
Wybór nauczyciela
I'm writing this in English for those who are looking for an Italian teacher, who will stay at your pace and help you kindly, patiently. Valerio is a calming influence and puts me at ease every week, so that speaking and listening in Italian feel real and engaging. His gentle personality creates an atmosphere of comfort in which my self-criticism (as with repetitive errors I think I should not be making anymore, and do) is kept to a minimum. He takes an interest in the details of my days, curious to ask this or that, and shares openly anything that relates to his own experiences. I appreciate and enjoy being with him. I admire his own aspirations, and this generates more conversation. In addition, Valerio keeps a tally things to teach me, and for me to practice offline, offering texts that relate to the errors I make. Frankly, I encourage you to schedule a chat with him.
26 cze 2022
Uczeń Diana
101 lekcje/i włoski
Wybór nauczyciela
Valerio really knows how to engage the learner. He uses the natural gifts of the student as a means of improving competency in Italian. Looking forward to our next lesson!
11 lut 2022
Uczeń Mark Mittle
Mark Mittle
8 lekcje/i włoski
Today, he was especially patience with me. He is a great teacher
2 kwi 2024
Uczeń Deirdre Love
Deirdre Love
6 lekcje/i włoski
I really enjoy my lessons with Valerio. He explains so much and really provides examples and is very patient. I'm looking forward to more lessons!
28 sty 2024
Uczeń MacKayAlistair
54 lekcje/i włoski
Very interesting conversation about interesting topics!
11 sty 2024
Końcowa płatność zostanie dokonana w USD