早晨,早上,上午,中午,晌午,下午,等等。。。 I found this list online of different words in Chinese to describe different hours of the day. 【早晨】:5点-8点 【早上】:5点-8点 【上午】:8点-12点 【中午】:12点-13点 【晌午】:12点-13点 【下午】:13点-18点 【傍晚】:18点-19点 【晚上】:19点-24点 【前半夜(上半夜)】:19点-24点 【午夜】:0点-1点 【深夜】:1点-3点 【凌晨】:1点-5点 【后半夜 / 後半夜(下半夜)】:1点-5点 【清早】:5点-8点 【清晨】:5点-8点 The list above is, quite mind-boggling, to say the least. It seems like Chinese has many more words to describe different parts or hours of the day than most languages I've studied. **Questions 1) Do you use ALL of these words in real life? 2) If not, which ones do you use in speaking and writing? Thank you.
2016年1月24日 04:24
解答 · 5
早晨(清晨),上午,中午,下午,傍晚,晚上,深夜,凌晨(半夜)I use these words in most cases
totally, we use all these words in the real life whether in oral or written Chinese except for "晌午“。 “晌午” is an word of ancient Chinese, and today, it's still used widly in some dialects.
午夜,口语中少用。一般会说成“半夜”,“半夜十二点”,“半夜两点”。你给的这个时间表,其实没有那么严格,比如“早上(晨)八九点的时候,中午一两点,下午一两点,大清早。 晌午,北方肯定是会说的,四川人也讲,只是发音近似”sha午“,这个词还可以表示午饭,比如四川人会说”回家吃sha午“,这个sha"即不二声,也不是三声,没法标,听了才知道。
I just use 早上 上午 中午 晚上 凌晨,and there's no such strict rules to those words in daily life. And if you ask a Chinese what's the exact time period of "早上"/“清晨” /“傍晚” etc. he will not know, except some Chinese experts.