在 italki 上尋找 日語 教師
尋找最適合您的線上 日語 輔導老師:從我們經驗豐富的線上 日語 教師中進行選擇,獲得最佳學習體驗。

13.5k 堂課
Mary (Kids -Adults)
Certified TCSOL/TESOL teacher with over 8 years of teaching experience. ✅I teach Pinyin and Bopomofo which use in China or Taiwan. ✅I can teach you Traditional or Simplified Chinese and also tell you the vocabulary and culture differences between Northern / southern china and Taiwan. ✅I teach through conversation so you will learn practical Chinese that is useful for daily life. ✅TCSOL Certificated Teacher/Native Chinese Speaker

5,793 堂課
Friendly Teacher with over 10 Years of Teaching Experience I'm very easygoing and patient :) It's okay to make mistakes!! That's part of the learning process, right?

5,841 堂課
Yuna C
5800+ Lessons , Adult/Kid/TOPIK, Awarded Top 1% Tutor in 2022 on italki , Patient , Friendly WE LEARN BEST WHEN WE FEEL COMFORTABLE ✨😌👂🗣️🚀✨ With my lessons, you can ✅Improve Casual Conversation Skills ✅ Build your Confidence in Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing ✅ Increase your Range of Vocabulary and Language Knowledge through Stories ✅ Improve Pronunciation

3,673 堂課
Shun 日本語・中国語教師/進学・就職
★ Certified professional Japanese teacher (over 3200 lessons) -会说中文的专业日语教师- 名校大学(院)进学指导/专业HR面试和职业规划 英语TOEIC满分商学硕士教授日语 I am a native Chinese-Japanese professional teacher. I have been teaching Chinese and Japanese offline lessons for over 9 YEARS. I also like learning a new language, and I'm now learning French as well. I really hope to help you to improve your language skills through italki. And I am a foreign language teacher with four years of professional training. ◎Beginner, children OK ◎The Japanese company's employment guidance for foreign students. 我是中文日语双母语的专业中文和日语教师,我可以专业教授中文和日语的各个水平,无论您是什么水平我都可以找到适合你的方法,并且我拥有超过9年的教学经验,帮助很多学生快速而又顺利达到了他们的目标。同时由于我在世界500强企业担任超过8年的人事工作,主要负责招聘和企业内培训。我每天都要面试无数应聘者和担任培训工作。所以如果你想通过求职面试,我也能给出专业的建议。另外我对日本语能力考试也有丰富的经验,对于通过考试我也有自己独到的见解。

1,887 堂課
★★★★★italki ranked me in TOP 1 % Teacher & selected me as one of best teachers for Group Class ★I passed the Japanese Language Teaching Competency Test the first try. This is the most difficult test for Japanese teachers, created by JEES, the creator of JLPT. Only one in four applicants can pass it. ★At university, I majored in English and I got a national license to teach English at junior and senior high schools in Japan. ★I passed the National Civil Servant Language Specialist Exams in 1997 and engaged myself in teaching English for over 2500 officer candidates from National Defense Academy, pilots, etc. I received certificates of commendation 3 times from commandants for my achievements in improving their proficiency significantly. ★ TOEIC (IP) 890 points ★ TOEFL(PBT) 607 points
3 位即時課程老師
我們有老師隨時準備和您上課! 找個老師開始學習吧。

506 堂課

137 堂課

2,299 堂課
Jin 진 ジン
Comfortable and relaxed 🌱 Welcome Beginner Students! 🌸上課風格輕鬆愉快,親切溫柔,不用有壓力地學習。 開心地學習會幫助你更有效率的快速吸收!我們會有很多的互動活動來學習。 🌸不知道自己說的對還是錯?說錯也沒關係,盡量嘗試多說! 🌸第一次學習?!從正確的發音到會話都可以一起練習。 🌸不想學死版的?電視劇、歌曲等想學什麼都滿足你! 🌸上課會不斷地複習,溫故而知新。 學什麼語言都一定要很開心!我的興趣就是學語言,除了日文和中文以外,正在也學泰文與廣東話,因此有很多自學語言的經驗,我想分享給大家學語言的有效方法,讓你可以更有效率地學韓文和日文。你想學習的內容都可以和我討論,請你告訴我目前的程度與要求,我會根據你的需求為你定制課程。 ー 🌸明るくて楽しい雰囲気で勉強できるので、緊張しなくても大丈夫です! 授業中に積極的にコミュニケーションを取ります。 🌸間違うことを恐れずに自信を持って積極的に話しましょう! 🌸初めての方も大歓迎です。初級から高級までゆっくりやっていきましょう。 🌸韓国人が実際によく使う韓国語が学べます。 🌸頻繁に復習を行うので、学んだ内容が自然に身に付きます。 語学の勉強は楽しくないと続きません。私自身も外国語を学んでいるので、楽しくて効率の良い勉強方法を常に研究しています。それを皆さんにも共有できればなと思っています。皆さんが自信を持って韓国語が話せるよう私がサポートします!たくさん間違えても大丈夫ですので、どんどん話してくださいね!

19.3k 堂課
⭐ Ejderha Sato ⭐
Scratch to Advanced, Teach in 🇬🇧, 🇰🇷, 🇯🇵, 23yrs EXP, 53,000 hrs offline and 19,500 hrs online ⭐ Tailored Japanese Lessons in English, Korean, or Basic Spanish/Italian ⭐ Comprehensive Support to Build a Strong Foundation for Mastery. I'm a native Japanese speaker from Nagano in Japan, who is currently living in South Korea. I had moved around a lot in my childhood. This enabled me to acquire not only standard Japanese but also several Japanese dialects. After traveling in Asia and Africa, I realized there are so many languages and cultures in this world. Since then, I have become a language enthusiast. Thus far, I have learned several languages, and this has helped me conduct easy-to-understand and customized classes for students with diverse language backgrounds.

1,685 堂課
"The time for action is now. It's never too late to do something." Antoine de Saint Exupéry <English>***日本語下にあります I have struggled enough before being able to communicate fluently with English speakers! So I understand how you can learn and practice different languages while you are enjoying the process of learning. Besides being able to speak English, understanding and embodying different cultures are a whole another level. However, I have been exposed to people with different cultures and taken leadership in a global environment as a professional. I am very confident of teaching Japanese in English and vise versa. <日本語> 英語で流暢に意思疎通ができるまで本当に苦労しました。なので異なる言語をどのように勉強し練習しつつ、学ぶ過程の楽しさも身をもって感じています。英語で話せること以上に、違う文化を理解し体現することはとても難しいですが、グローバルな環境に触れ、リーダーシップの経験を活かし自信をもって英語と日本語の授業をお教えいたします。

1,366 堂課
Chill, Casual, Cheers! My Japanese is all about that standard Japanese vibe. And when it comes to my English, working at foreign companies, I’m basically handling it with ease. Now, here's the deal with our lessons: Don't stress about being perfect – the more mistakes, the more progress. Don't give up too quickly. Before you call it quits, pause, think, and feel free to ask. I'll hang tight until you come up with that word or phrase. Above all, let's keep it relaxed and enjoyable. If we're not having a good time, it could get a bit dull. So, just be yourself, bring your best effort, and chat with me like we're catching up with family. Let's stay genuine and make language learning enjoyable!

640 堂課
Adios textbook✋Lessons to be able to speak Japanese with a patient teacher. ✓Certificated ✓3 years experienced (include online+face to face+individual+class) ✓Lessons 1350 ✓Students 176 🌹Visiting lecturer Varna free university in Bulgaria 🧸Visiting lecturer Witelon University in Poland

3,133 堂課
Currently accepting new students of all levels😊 #Stand with all the innocent ppl in 🇺🇦🇵🇸 I have three years of teaching experience at a Japanese language school in Tokyo. I can speak English, so when you need help, I'll help you in English!

3,839 堂課
Qualified and Positive teacher with a background in Publishing and Marketing Creativity and curiosity. I draw not only on my knowledge of Japanese as a teacher but also on the communication skills that I gained through my professional work to harness students' curiosity. I do my best to make my lessons engaging and set up a relaxed environment so that my students can speak freely. クリエイティブで好奇心を育てる日本語学習。教師としての言語知識だけでなく、過去の仕事を通して得たコミュニケーションのスキルも投じて、おもしろくてわかりやすいレッスンをするよう心がけています。学習者の方がリラックスして話せるようガイドします。

553 堂課
living in Perú 🇵🇪 中文 English español 🆗 🌟 What You’ll Get in My Lessons: ・Personalized class notes tailored to your learning needs ・Real-life conversation practice to boost your confidence ・A comfortable and friendly environment where you can make mistakes without hesitation. I believe that the key to learning a language is practice, practice, practice—but it should also be fun!The more mistakes you make, the faster you’ll improve! 🚀 🌟 我的课程提供: ・根据您的学习需求提供个性化课堂笔记 ・提供真实场景会话练习,增强您的自信 ・一个轻松友好的环境,让您可以放心犯错 我相信学习语言的关键是多练习,但更重要的是享受学习的乐趣! 错误越多,进步越快! 🚀我们一起加油吧💪🏽

4,336 堂課
TAD@Sound Factory
Having experience of over 30 years, I will design lessons following your objectives to study, for from beginners to the examinees of JLPT. Please let me know what skill you would like to get, including free talking, pronunciation, and help with homework from your school. Also, I am a nationally qualified care worker. I can help to study on technical terms. 我在日语学校、专科学校、大学等各种各样的学校教授过日语,有30年以上的教学经验。从日语零基础到日本语能力考试1级(N1)等,我都可以根据学生的需求,进行有效的指导。在我的日语教学经历中,接触了非常多的中国学生,因此熟知中国学生的学习特点,能够有的放矢帮助他们提高日语水平。可提供零基础、初级、中级、高级等各个阶段的课程。可进行汉字、单词、语法、阅读理解、听力、会话等各方面的教学。可提供日语会话课程及进行日语演讲指导。 另外,对于在学校选修日语的学生,也可进行课程的同步辅导。 另外,我还持有日本的介护福祉士资格。对于想了解日本介护士工作、想在日本从事介护工作的人士,我可以提供一些信息。对于在日本从事介护工作的人士,如果在工作中有语言方面的问题,我也可以给予指导。

1,203 堂課
Mika Aguilera
Just updated a podcast - ̗̀🎧𓈒 𓂂𓏸 Please feel free to listen and try it! (vol.8 伝統行事 “七五三” 👘&関連クイズ) I am a native speaker of Japanese and I also have had the opportunity to live in Los Angels (Santa Monica), New York (Manhattan/Queens) and Hawaii (Honolulu/Kaneohe) for a combined several years, therefore I can support students with English too. As a Japanese teacher, I would like to teach students slowly, clearly, and with warm hospitality. If you have any requests for the lesson content or style, please feel free to ask me. 私は日本語を母国語としており、アメリカのLos Angels,New York, Hawaiiの海外留学の経験もあるので英語でのサポートも可能です。 “楽しく、わかりやすく日本語を学ぶ” をモットーに、ゆっくり、優しく、わかりやすく、楽しく日本語を学んで頂けるように努めます。 海外での感謝を、日本語を学びたい生徒の方々へ恩返しできたら幸せです。

2,890 堂課
I am qualified as a Japanese language teacher. All levels welcome☺! ☆My Career☆ Worked at a European foreign company → Japanese language instructor. ・Beginner class teacher at Japanese language school ・Experience teaching online from beginner to advanced level ・JLPT preparation lessons are also available(N5~N1) https://www.instagram.com/tokyo_dream_academy?igsh=bDh2Nm84MHR5ZzU%3D&utm_source=qr

6,299 堂課
Tomo I.
I use google document for each student, so my students could easily review what you learned later 長い間、日本でボランティアとして日本語をおしえてきました。日本語の先生のテストに合格したあと、タイの高校で日本語をおしえました。 I was teaching Japanese language as volunteer for many years in Japan for foreigners. After that I passed the Japanese Language Teaching Competency Test, and I worked at a high school in Thailand as a Japanese language teacher for 3 years and a hafl.

13.8k 堂課
Trained&qualified from a uni in🇦🇺 Not only know🇬🇧 but also know how to teach🇯🇵 to 🇬🇧speakers I am a professional Japanese teacher and have been teaching with italki since 2013. I can assist absolute beginner to highly advanced level students (including N5-N1 preparation), who are willing to manage aspects of their own learning. Thanks to many of my students, I have been become one of the most experienced Japanese teachers at italki. I use PPT and Word documents to explain grammar points, etc. in English. My native tongue is Japanese, but I am trained and qualified to teach in Australia and I am more comfortable to explain Japanese in English. This may be more advantageous for English speakers. I may use less to no English for advanced students.

2,448 堂課
Yuko Kitagawa
Friendly Japanese teacher / teaching experience in the U.S. and Japan I've taught Japanese in Portland, Oregon, US, then I came back to Japan and taught English for a junior high school and elementary schools. Now, I'm teaching Japanese for non Japanese speakers and teaching English for Japanese online and offline. I really enjoy my jobs and am happy to see my student's progress. アメリカのオレゴン州(しゅう)で日本語(にほんご)を教(おし)えたことがあります。日本(にほん)に帰(かえ)ってきてからは、小中学校(しょうちゅうがっこう)で英語(えいご)を教(おし)えていました。今はオンラインと対面式で英語と日本語を教えています。 I'm certificated in teaching Japanese as a foreign language, and I have an English teacher's license in Japan. わたしは、日本語(にほんご)を教(おし)える資格(しかく)と英語(えいご)の教員(きょういん)免許(めんきょ)をもっています。

639 堂課
I want to say "ありがとう" to you in Japanese:) 2002年から韓国の語学学校、短大、某有名企業などで初級から上級までの日本語会話や試験対策などを教えてきました。生徒さんのタイプもいろいろです。高校生、大学生、会社員、弁護士、そして、有名ガールズグループの歌手、俳優など、いろいろな職業の人たちがいます。 韓国のケーブルテレビに日本語の講師として出演して、共著で日本語試験対策の本を出版したこともあります。 Since 2002, I have taught Japanese conversation and exam preparations from beginners to advanced levels at language schools, junior colleges, and well-known companies in Korea.There are many different types of students.There are high school students, college students, office workers, lawyers,singers and actors from famous girl groups, and so on. I have appeared on cable TV in Korea before as a Japanese language instructor and published a book co-authored to prepare for the Japanese language examination .