Hey what’s cracking bros? Thank you guys for listening to my podcast. And I know that you ain’t got not time to listen to long ass Japanese podcasts-you know what I’m saying, so let me give you a short ass Japanese lesson real quick! I’m gonna let you know how to say “Arigatougozaimashita” Not like Japanese textbooks tell you but how Japanese people actually say in the real life! And I wanna test you if you know this. So I want you to try to say it with me after I count to 3 Let’s get into it! 1 2 3 あっ ありざはあゎあす×2 Did you guess it correctly or was it a lil bit tricky? the point is, you should say gibberish! And don’t ever forget あっ before you say something. あっ ありざはあゎあす Thank you for listening to this bros and see you in the next one! Bye!
Podcast 頻道
THIS & THAT in Casual Japanese