Hello everyone, I've just watched a short video on animals sensing catastrophes and I heard the verb "warrant" and the adjective "attuned." I know what a warrant is but I've never heard the verb. Are these terms well-know or are they weird to daily conversation? The video is sort of a science one. Thanks folks!!
2023年4月1日 17:44
解答 · 12
They're "tertiary vocabulary." They are not rare, not obscure, not technical, but not used every day. Most educated US speakers would know the words. I don't think I've spoken them out loud this year. "To warrant" can mean "to justify." "The traffic is moving slowly, but that doesn't warrant honking your horn." "I'm assuming you plan to vote for X in the next election." "That's not a warranted assumption." "To warrant" can also mean "to guarantee." "Attuned" means "adjusted into a harmonious relationship with others" or "in harmony with." "This politician is attuned to the mood of the people." "People tend to be much more attuned to what's happening right now and less aware of long-term trends."
I like Dan's answer and believe that, as he says, both are common everyday words for educated people. Maybe he has not spoken the words this year but it is certain that he has read or heard them. Personally, when I use "warrant", I use it as a synonym for "merit". When I say "that warrants my attention" I mean "that deserves (or merits) my attention)". That meaning is close, but not the same as, "justify".
Hi there, In the context of the video you watched, the terms "warrant" and "attuned" are technical terms that are commonly used in the field of science. While they may not be used frequently in everyday conversation, they are still widely recognized and understood in scientific contexts. So, it's not unusual to encounter these words in science-related videos or articles. I hope that helps clarify things for you!
Yes and no! :) They aren’t specialized vocabulary, but I (American English) also don’t really hear or use them that often because their meanings are so specific. For “warrant,” I think I more often hear it when people talk about an action being “warranted” or “unwarranted.” Hope that helps!
The verb "warrant" is a commonly used term that means to justify or authorize something. In the context of the video you watched, it is possible that they were using "warrant" to suggest that the behavior of animals justified a prediction of a coming catastrophe. The adjective "attuned" means being aware of or responsive to something, and is often used in contexts related to sensitivity, such as animals being attuned to changes in their environment. In the context of the video, it is likely that they were suggesting that animals are particularly sensitive to environmental changes and can sense potential catastrophes before they occur. Both of these terms are well-known and commonly used in scientific and academic contexts, and they may also be used in everyday conversation depending on the context and the level of formality.