✅ Teacher Thaly ✅
Hey everyone! Happy Sunday😊😊 Do you fancy a "staycation"? It's now an official English word. But what does it mean? Answer below ✍️✍️✍️ Good Luck! 😊✍️✅ Follow for more tips and tricks or take a look at my teacher profile here: https://teach.italki.com/teacher/7232974 Or for a free $10 💸 gift 🎁 for friends and family joining iTalki, click here: https://www.italki.com/affshare?ref=af8600553
➡️➡️ What is a "staycation"? ⬅️⬅️
When you get someone to look after your house
When you take a holiday/vacation but stay at home
When you train a dog to "stay"
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2024年3月24日 23:52