What kind of difficulties that you find in learning Bahasa Indonesia?
2015年9月8日 23:25
留言 · 8

There are a few things that have been difficult for me, so far. Regarding pronunciation, the rolling "r" and the "ng" sounds (especially at the beginning of words) has been challenging. I also find the order of words in a sentence to be somewhat mysterious.  So, constructing natural-sounding sentences is a weakness for me.  Finally, when it comes to learning vocabulary, the affixes make it easy to confuse words with eachother.  For example, if I study a list of verbs,  many of which begin with "meng-", they start to all look the same (at least when I get tired). 


For sure the informal language. I understand nothing when people (especially from Jakarta) talk to each other informally. I do know some gaul words and I try to mix them in a formal speech which, I admit, may sound quite funny.


I see..I agree about the R sound for the foreigners.  It's interesting because Indonesians need to stop making a stress to the R sound ( when speaking in English ) but more like making it sounds soft , while the foreigners need to make a stress to the R in speaking Bahasa =)



For me the most difficult is to find partner to practise bahasa indonesia.

At the moment I found a fantastic online course Indonesian - Online.


many of words begin with "meng-". LOL yeah that's true. but maybe to make it easier first dont study words begin with "meng" anyone want to enrich kosakata (vocabulary) for a while just learn the basic word (Bare infinitive) and to make it closer just think "meng" and the other suffix as gerund (ing) e.g. nonton = watch / menonton = watching, beli = buy / membeli = buying and remember when in comes to prefix 'meng" it always dispelled the first letter of the words and sometimes added "i" at the end of the words e.g. kantong =bag / meng-antong-i = bagging, kuras=drain / meng-uras /draining. I know it is not excatly right because in bahasa there are many words using prefix is already Bare infinitive in english and also thera are many prefix as well suffix and infix but my point in here to take a step to learn Bahasa Indonesia, my conclusion is do not learning or memorize prefix, suffix, infix from the list of words it will waste time, try to understand those thing in your best way, try to recognize which kind of word are using correct prefix to change word form noun to verb and so on and sorry for my poor english.


