Practicing Japanese with another English native

I know most people come here to find native speakers to learn with, but I was wondering if any native English speakers would like a japanese language partner that's a little more on their level.


had a friend for this back in French class in high school, and I think it helped me feel less nervous about getting things wrong. Plus, if neither of us could figure out how to say something, we'd just look it up and figure it out together.  

Let me know if you're interested.  I'm still pretty low level so even if you're a total beginner I'm sure we can help each other out 

2015年9月20日 05:55
留言 · 7

Another persuader here.

I knew your feelings. I never used to think of talking to native English speakers, even though I'd studied English for quite a long time. But I happened to start talking to various kinds of people learning Japanese - native or non-native English speakers, beginners, intermediates, advanced learners. One of my early language partners was really interested in Japanese stuff, but not in learning the language. I had to explain to him abou Japanese things in English very often. I always relaxed while we were talking because he didn't care about his and my language levels at all. Thanks to him, my writing skills started getting better, and I began to feel less nervous. Perhaps, you should have this sort of learner(?) as a partner, too. Another parnter always wrote correct basic sentences for me, so I learnt what to say in specific situations. I think this is one of the easiest and fastest ways of learning because it's really hard to forget what I came across in conversations.

I think you should know the opposite is true. A lot of English learners from Japan are afraid of talking to native English speakers, as I really was.

Anyway, have a nice learning!


I'm down for line and skype. My line is pockyhearts. My skype is pockyheartspoptarts. If you can't find me on these message me your id's :)


Then if you are willing, we can set a time to talk and probably set some topics for our first conversation. I will message you privately my Skype ID. 


Sorry I took a while to respond, but I'd totally be down for Mimi's idea. I'm pretty low level though, and I haven't entirely figured out Skype yet



Hey J'Niece,

I think this is actually abgreat idea and would love to have a conversation partner to talk with in Japanese that isn't a native speaker. Then we can get more Japanese speaking time out of it. 


If you are not opposed to planned topics before hand (we can also just have spontaneous conversations). Then I would love someone to talk with. It will help add some motivation to my Japanese studies if I can actually use the vocabulary I learn.


Message me back if you are still searching for someone.
