Looking for a learning buddy - currently learning Korean!
Hello, there! ^_^ Before I elaborate on this learning buddy thing, let me introduce myself. I'm Heather, 21, a Graphics and Multimedia Design student set to be graduating next year. I've been learning Korean for several months. In my free time, I enjoy reading and photography. 
As language is a tool for communication, I don't like the idea of studying in isolation all by myself. I have a wonderful language exchange partner who has helped me tremendously in my studies, but I'd also like someone who's my speed to interact with. The idea is to chat regularly on kakao, write emails to each other, tweeting... Whatever works for you, really, so that we can keep each other motivated by making use of what we've learned. 
I have a basic/intermediate level of Korean (?) and I intend to sit for Intermediate TOPIK next year. I don't mind switching to English when we're stuck/struggling to make a sentence in Korean of course, but we can try, right? c: I'm quite active and I study daily - I'm not necessarily looking for someone to match my proficiency (although I'm pretty much just a beginner) but someone who's as enthusiastic as me. I'd take consistency over proficiency any day. The point is to improve together, right? c:
If there are enough of us we can even make a chat group! :)
2015年12月25日 12:02
留言 · 7

안녕하세요,  even I am learning and want to improve my korean.. so can I join too??



Messaged you both! ^_^


안녕하세요.   I want to improve my Korean and use it more, so I'm interested in joining as well. 


안녕하세요! It's amazing to hear that you managed to get yourself up to intermediate level in just a few months of learning the language! 


I'm learning the language too and absolutely love the k-culture.It's great to know there are people on the same boat so definitely count me in!


Messaged you both! ^_^
