
What do you know about no rooz? a gift waiting for the best answer

2016年1月13日 19:24
留言 · 3
you lied dumbass :D June 3

But i was born on 13 th .....


I think it is a fantastic celebration in the world with a beautiful tablecloth that Iranian call it" Haft sin." In this celebration people visit each others even people who have huffed together and in this day they will pease. When some child to thier house landroad give him/her a gift such as money, Cloth and so on. People in this  celebration get married and they have a nice wedding. After Noruz, Iranian have a special day it is " Sizdahbedar" It is a nice day too. people believe they should go out in this day coz Iranian doesn't like number 13 it is an unlucky number between people in Iran.
