La Liseuse
Anyone want to have a go at translating some funny stories?

Reading Leyla's story about the three turtles on the thread below gave me an idea. One member commented that the same story existed in his own language, and this got me thinking about a way that we can all have a laugh and help each other at the same time.


How about if we start off with a simple little story in one language, and then translate it into another? You can just translate into your own language to give some reading practice for learners of that language. Or, if you're feeling brave, you can try translating into a language that you're studying. Then, hopefully, native speakers of that language can offer some comments and corrections.


Let's see how many languages we can translate the turtle story into. Or, if we get bored of turtles, feel free to start another story.


So, begging Leyla's kind permission, here's the story:


<em>Three turtles. </em>

<em>Three turtles decided to have a cup of coffee. Just as they got into the cafe, it started to rain. The biggest turtle said to the smallest one, "Go home and get the umbrella." The little turtle replied, "I will, if you don't drink my coffee." "We won't," the other two promised. Two years later the big turtle said to the middle turtle, "Well, I guess he isn't coming back, so we might as well drink his coffee." Just then a voice called from outside the door, "If you do, I won't go."</em>


I'll start by having a go at putting it into French. Feel free to correct any mistakes I might make.<em>

2016年8月7日 06:55
留言 · 61

Here’s part of the Turtle joke in ASCII

084 104 114 101 101 032 116 117 114 116 108 101 115 046 013 010 084 104 114 101 101 032 116 117 114 116 108 101 115 032 100 101 099 105 100 101 100 032 116 111 032 104 097 118 101 032 097 032 099 117 112 032 111 102 032 099 111 102 102 101 101 046 032 074 117 115 116 032 097 115 032 116 104 101 121 032 103 111 116 032 105 110 116 111 032 116 104 101 032 099 097 102 101 044 032 105 116 032 115 116 097 114 116 101 100 032 116 111 032 114 097 105 110 046 032 084 104 101 032 098 105 103 103 101 115 116 032 116 117 114 116 108 101 032 115 097 105 100 032 116 111 032 116 104 101 032 115 109 097 108 108 101 115 116 032 111 110 101 044 032 034 071 111 032 104 111 109 101 032 097 110 100 032 103 101 116 032 116 104 101 032 117 109 098 114 101 108 108 097 046 034 032 084 104 101 032 108 105 116 116 108 101 032 116 117 114 116 108 101 032 114 101 112 108 105 101 100 044 032 034 073 032 119 105 108 108 044 032 105 102 032 121 111 117 032 100 111 110 039 116 032 100 114 105 110 107 032 109 121 032 099 111 102 1


So... did I 'translate' or 'convert' the story?


Les trois tortues

Trois tortues ont décidé d'aller prendre une tasse de café. Juste au moment qu'elles sont entrées dans le bar, il a commencé à pleuvoir. La plus grande tortue a dit à la plus petite, "Rentre à la maison et va chercher le parapluie." La petite tortue a repondu, "Je le ferai, si vous ne buvez pas mon café." "On ne le fera pas," ont promis les deux autres tortues. Deux ans plus tard, la grande tortue a dit à la tortue de moyenne taille. "Eh bien, je crois qu'il ne reviendra pas, alors on pourrait boire son café, non?" À ce moment-là, une voix leur a appelé de l'autre côté de la porte, "Si vous faites ça, je n'irai pas."



You wrote:

Far be it for me to say that anyone is being nitpicky

Do you actually say "Far be it for me?"  We have always said "Far be it from me."  

By the way, did you know that nits are the eggs or little forms of a louse?  (One louse, two lice) So nitpicking would originally mean picking the tiny things out of your hair. :)


I'm surprised to see this thread resurrected after all this time.

Mind you, a year and a half is nothing at all in 'tortoise time', is it?   A mere blink of an eye for a tortoise.


In German

Drei Schildkröten beschlossen einen Kaffee zu trinken. Als sie ins Café kamen an, began es zu regnen. Die größte Schildkröte sagte dem kleinste: geh nach Hause und nimm einen Regenschrirm. Die kleine schildkröte antwortete:

-- Ich gehe, wenn du meinen Kaffe nicht trinkst: 

-- Wir werden nicht -- die andere zwei versprachen

Zwei jahren später sagte die größte Schildkröte der mittlere Schildkröte

-- Ich glaube er kommt nicht mehr. Dann können wir seinen Kaffee trinken. Dann sagte eine Stimme aus draußen:

-- Wenn du trinkst, gehe ich nicht

In Indonesian

Tiga penyu memutuskan minum secangkir kopi. Ketika mereka ke cafe, mulai hujan. Penyu yang paling besar bilang ke pada yang paling kecil: pergi ke rumah dan ambil satu payung. Penyu yang kecil jawab:

-- Saya akan jika kamu tidak minum kopi saya

-- Kami tidak akan -- tiga yang lain janji

Dua tahun depan penyu yang besar bilang ke pada penyu yang menengah

-- Saya pikir dia tidak akan datang lagi, jadi kita bisa minum kopi nya 

Jadi suara bicara dari luar:

Jika kamu minum, saya tidak akan pergi


I wanted to translate to Russian too, but I don't have enough vocabulary ):


Someone corrects my mistakes
