William Lee
How to address relatives in Chinese 如何用中文称呼各类亲戚

Here is a list I found. But sorry, I can't really remember the original post :(

2016年10月6日 20:43
留言 · 4

谢谢你!太好了!在北部,姥姥,老爷-- 大概会这么说吧?

Thank you! So helpful!


侄子 the sons of your brothers

侄女 the daughters of your brothers

外甥 the sons of your sisters

外甥女 the daughters of your sisters

連襟 the husbands of sisters are 連襟 to each other

妯娌 the wives of brothers are 妯娌 to each other

These are words for some close relatives, and there are more words for remote relatives.


堂哥 the sons of the brothers of father who are older than yourself

堂嫂 the wives of the sons of the brothers of father who are older than youself

堂弟 the sons of the brothers of father who are younger than yourself

堂弟妹 the wives of the sons of the brothers of father who are younger than yourself

堂姐 the daughters of the brothers of father who are older than yourself

堂姐夫 the husbands of the daughters of the brothers of father who are older than yourself

堂妹 the daughters of the brothers of father who are younger than yourself

堂妹夫 the husbands of the daughters of the brothers of father who are younger than yourself

表哥, 表嫂, 表弟, 表弟妹, 表姐, 表姐夫, 表妹, 表妹夫 similar things with all the “X”-s, except these are either from the mother’s family or the family of father’s sisters


爺爺 the father of father

奶奶 the mother of father

外公 the father of mother

外婆 the mother of mother

伯父 the elder brothers of father

伯母 the wives of the elder brothers of father

叔叔 the younger brothers of father

嬸嬸 the wives of the younger brothers of father

姑媽 the sisters of father

姑父 the husbands of the sisters of father

舅舅 the brothers of mother

舅媽 the wives of the brothers of mother

姨媽 the sisters of mother

姨父 the husbands of the sisters of mother

哥哥 the elder brothers

嫂子 the wives of the elder brothers

弟弟 the younger brothers

弟妹 the wives of the younger brothers

姐姐 the elder sisters

姐夫 the husbands of the elder sisters

妹妹 the younger sisters

妹夫 the husbands of the younger sisters
