How do people go about selecting a college major or future career?
2017年4月17日 06:57
留言 · 3

I'm graduating from college in two months!

When I was in high school, I took an interesting class on the environment. It was my favorite class in high school. I also liked drawing and painting and considered art school, but I thought I didn't have the talent or motivation to make it work -- being an artist is a difficult job, and it's hard to make money. So, I decided to study environmental science. I didn't know what career I wanted out of it, but I just knew that it was a topic I was interested in.

While in college, I took a variety of classes, and realized that I really love ecology... wetlands, soils, biodiversity, weather, earth systems... and I also decided to study geology, too. So I'm graduating with a bachelor's degree in environmental science and a minor in geology.

In my last year of college, I also decided to start taking education classes. Each week, I volunteer in classrooms that teach science to children. I think that I might want to teach environmental science, outdoor education, or work for the National Park Service and interact with the public

So, I would say... 

First, find what interests you. What are your hobbies? What do you love to read about? 

Study that subject in college. (Note that you don't *have* to go to college; you could be a mechanic! an electrician! those are great jobs too.)

While in college, talk to people, go to events, take interesting classes; try new experiences; find out what you really like!

When you graduate, try to get a basic job somewhere in that field. Then see where it goes from there! You don't need to have it all planned out from the start; rather, figure it out along the way :)

That's what I did! Good luck :D



Select a college major which offers a program you are interested in learning.  If you want to learn about engineering find a good engineering college, if you want to be a lawyer find a good law school.  

Find a career in a field that you will enjoy.  Consider your likes, dislikes and hobbies. If you don't like something don't go into that career field.  Remember a college education is a few years, a career might be the rest of your life. 

Life is too short to do something you don't like. 


I think ,my humble point of view,You have to select the college according to three factors :


You have to like what you are going to study or you have to study what you like.


Are you going to have an apportunity to work through the department you have studied. 


You should be able to practice and apply what you have studied. 
