Simplified as easily as possible what's the difference in uses of "Вот" аnd "Здесь"?
2018年5月28日 17:04
留言 · 7
Здесь - in the place where you are

Вот - used to bring someone's attention to something/someone

I hope this helps

Silvestre, 'вот' is a finger-pointing pronoun:)

I mean, I ask "where's my ...?" and you point at it and say: 'вот!' or 'вот она' (or 'вон!' if it is far enough).
I ask you "where is London?" while looking at a map, and then you point at London and say 'вот здесь'.
It is almost an interjection.


"For example:  "- Где твой телефон?"

pulls out of pocket "- Вот мой телефон!" or "- Здесь мой телефон!""

I would use only 'вот' when pointing at the phone.
I would use only 'здесь' when pointing at the pocket.


If the object is  small, as a phone, document may to say Вот as well as Здесь .

For example:  "- Где твой телефон?"

pulls out of pocket "- Вот мой телефон!" or "- Здесь мой телефон!"

If the object is big, for example a train or building,  "Вот" may be used at pointing on this object. " -Где наш поезд? - Вот он идет, вдалеке." But if the train is near may be to say likewise "Здесь". "-Где наш поезд? - Здесь, на платформе"

May be to say also, when both of this words used together - "Где вход на вокзал? - Вот, здесь" and point finger on the door

Здесь alwaus used to description events in specific place. "Здесь в годы войны проходила линия обороны"

On the teacher's question at the roll call  "Иванов?"  the answer may be only "Здесь", "Вот" here is do not use


вот моя школа *pointing at right*, а здесь я играл в песочнице *pointing left*
'This is my school, and here I played in a sandbox'

You can say both:

вот моя школа  and
здесь моя школа.

'My school' is self-sufficient in a sense. You could just point at it and say: 'my school'. Or say: 'Look, my school'. Or "this is my school".
Вот indicates pointing with a word, and it can substitute "это" (this is..). But also you can say 'здесь': 'here is my school'

But you can't say "вот I played in sandbox". "look, I played in a sandbox" doesn't seem to make much sense:)
Only "здесь я играл" makes sense.
