HTML and CSS. Books Recommendations.
Hello there. Are there any web developers? I would like to know what kind of books do you read? I have just started reading a book called "HTML and CSS design and build websites". I think that I know everything (90% maybe) from this book, but I read it for improving my vocabulary in this area. Can anyone give a piece of advice on what to read next?
2019年3月22日 07:50
留言 · 6
ok then read or other blog like this for vocabulary.
Thank you for pieces of advice. But, I don't need courses. I know HTML5 and CSS3 well. All that I need is to improve my vocabulary in this direction.
Hey man! First, dont read. Download courses UDEMY!!! And next w3c....
The web is not my area, but  my wife bought this book:
You might want to try the team treehouse website. I use their videos to update my coding skills.