Thought Of The Day💡

Attributes of a good friend:

They feel like home.<o:p></o:p>

They are honest with you.

They remind you of your power.

They support you in your healing.

They have a rejuvenating presence.

They hold a vision of your success.

They support you in new adventures.

They lift you up with joy and laughter.

They bring out the best version of you.


I wish I had a friend like that...


Have a great Sunday to all of you";); background-size:28px 28px; height:28px; width:28px;">☕️";); background-size:28px 28px; height:28px; width:28px;">👋


2019年3月24日 10:28
留言 · 2
I think a good friend is a gift, not someone everyone can easily find but someone to be treasured. Nice post, Marie.
<ul class="list-inline text-light-gray no-margin-b"><li><a ui-sref="user({})" href="" style="color: rgb(149, 149, 149); outline: 0px; outline-offset: -2px;">Alycia</a>, </li>Thanks a lot";); background-size:28px 28px; height:28px; width:28px;">🙏";); background-size:28px 28px; height:28px; width:28px;">🙂</ul>