Looking for Native American Speakers
Hi, i’am a native of Indonesian language, i’m looking for Someone to practice, especially a native Americans because i want to improve my American accent
2020年6月15日 17:02
留言 · 2
Hi Aldifi, I had another look at your original question.
It seems you would like to practice English with an American because you want to improve your American accent.

so you could leave out the word "Native" in the title and just put "Looking for American Speakers" that would avoid confusion with Native Americans. or "Looking for American mother tongue speakers" or "Looking for speakers of American English as their first language". Of course if it was any other language it would be OK to say for instance, "Looking for native French speakers" "German speakers" etc etc etc. It is only in the specific cultural and historical context of the United States that this particular phrase "Native American" has a specific meaning.

You could say: "Hi, I'm from Indonesia and my first language is (?") or "Hi, I'm a native Indonesian speaker" (Is there an Indonesian language? I thought that there were several different languages spoken in Indonesia?)

"I am learning English and I'm looking for someone from America to practice speaking and improve my American accent." It's up to you - there are quite a few different ways to say this.
Hey! Indonesia is wonderful!
I love risol ayam and lemper ayam.
Good luck!