zainab yahya
"injil "Gospel or bible

do u guys hear about original Injil in Turky they found the original one ^^ ?  

2012年2月28日 08:56
留言 · 8

oki i know that a long time if i say any thing u don't believe me  ^^ so it is oki it will be appear  if not now another day will be appear 

thx for ur suggestion ^^ 


I dont believe it - sorry!


yes of course but they must know that too  ^^


All of muslims and most of people with other religions accept Muhammed as a true prophet. It is not others how to think about our prophet. The important is that he was a prophet and his way is a true way . He is our prophet and we are honour to him.

really may they say it is word of mohamed not word of Jesus ^ _^ it is not true thing but also the truth will be appear 
zainab yahya
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