Do you consider living somewhere else after your studies ? if it is so, where ?

If you have experienced it, just talk about this life experience <img title="Laughing" src="" alt="Laughing" border="0" />

2012年5月31日 15:13
留言 · 11

I'd like to live in either spain,portugal or Brazil :D <img title="Laughing" src="" alt="Laughing" border="0" />


<em>Solo Los Estados Unidos, tal vez vivir en otro estado. Mis padres son locos...</em>


<em>i dont think that  ,, i wanna study in usa or canada or britain but then i wanna be with my family in my lovely country its my happiness ,,</em>


I'd like to live in an interesting country and to be able to see my friends very often ! 

I have the swiss and canadian nationality ... So why not Canada <img title="Laughing" src="" alt="Laughing" border="0" /> or another country in Europe but maybe not staying in Switzerland 



I would love to and it doesn't matter much what country it would be. I'd like to experience something new, to learn various cultures, to try new dishes and so on.


Country that calls me the most is China, but I'm afriad that it's far from what I imagine. With my mind's eyes I see wild environment, ancient traditions, natural balance between human and nature (too much BBC documentaries, haha). The same time, I'm awared that the heartland of China is modern, crowdy place, way more western-alike than Poland.

But who knows what will the future bring :) Australia, Norway, Brasil, Iran, Russia, Canada... all of them sounds great for me.

英語, 法語, 德語, 希臘語, 義大利語, 波蘭語, 俄語, 西班牙語, 烏克蘭語
英語, 德語, 希臘語, 義大利語, 波蘭語, 俄語, 西班牙語, 烏克蘭語