Mohamed Alsayed
Is italki fake site or not?

I'm a native Arabic Speaker. I joind italki one week ago. During that period I'v tried very hard to find a native English speakers to caht with (50/50 exchange), but I didn't have any positive responce even from my fllowers!
All my fllowers aimed to learn Arabic but no one of them answers my request to chat on Skype, except someone that seems to be some kind of a missionary!

Is italki fake site or not?
Or is italki just usful for people want to have paid courses only?
or am I doing something wrong!

2014年4月22日 15:52
留言 · 8

Hi, Mohamed, don't get discouraged. 

I'm personally not studying arabic at the moment, but I don't mind helping with your English efforts. But I don't like Skype chats, I think they take up too much time which I don't have. That's why I prefer chatting instead - I help my buddies with correcting their written correspondense and hope they do the same for me. 

Best wishes on your efforts though, and maybe someone will be willing to have what you prefer after all. 


Have the same feeling with you :) 

That's the reason why I wrote this discussion :)


The same is happening with me.... I'm learning German but it's been quite difficult and when I ask for some help I'm just ignored... I've even asked a question which a guy answered with a Wikipedia link, not with an explanation! ahhaha sometimes it's frustrating but he have to keep o trying =)


Нет!!!! No no no! is an amazing website. I great place to learn a language and meet new people.


There are many native English speakers here  on italki.  I have spoken to many who want to hear me talk. Some get annoyed when I sound like a news report rather than a Hollywood movie. I have given up talking and I am concentrating my efforts on message exchange. This allows me to work with more people and still give each individual attention. 
